Can I have multiple email signatures for multiple gmail accounts?


Nov 11, 2011
I have two gmail accounts synched to my A500: one for my office, the other is a personal use account. The business account requires I have a certain disclaimer in the signature, the personal (obv!) does not. In the settings screen of the gmail page on my A500 I click biz gmail account and entered the text I am required to have. In the same screen but under the personal use account I entered "Please excuse typos, I'm tapping on my tablet". Seems straight foward, right? Well, I compose an email using my biz account the regulatory text I entered is there, but when I open my personal use account the biz signature appears there as well. If I look back into settings, each account has the text I entered. I assumed that since I can enter a different sig for each email account, that sig text would appear when I composed an email.

What am I missing? Can I have different signatures for each gmail account?

Thanks in advance for your reply!
The standard Gmail App Allows one signature that applies to all accounts.

If you need something better than that you might want to look into K-9 mail, which will handle all sorts of
mail accounts, Gmail, regular , etc. It will allow per-account signatures, separate SMPT servers, even encryption.

Oh, and while you are at it, buy Swiftkey, and then you won't have so many typos to apologize for.
Thanks for the reply.

In the settings page of gmail there is a separate signature window for each account. I can add different text for each and it remains but when i compose a message one sig or the other will appear on both. I guess I'm confused because it seems as though i can have a unique sig for each but they don't seem to "stick".