Can my kid play online games on a Kyro?


Dec 17, 2011
I need to make a decision by tomorrow on what beginner tablet to buy my 10 yr old son for Christmas and I am so lost. I think I am between two, the Coby Kyros MID 7015 bc I can order it from Best Buy and it will be here in time and also is a decent price, or there is a sale at Big Lots tomorrow for a Pandigital Android 7" Tablet/eReader for $89. I need this thing to be able to get online and play games. Thats the main thing it needs to do. I know the Pandigital only has 2 GB but that can be fixed by installing more. All the reviews say that either of these dont have flash, but I think that is downloadable. I know nothing about tablets, Can someone PLEASE stear me in the right direction!! I really need to stay under $200 for this.


Hello asamp33, welcome to the forum. glad you decided to become a member of Android Tablets. I'm moving your thread to the Android Tablet Discussions so that someone can advise you regarding which tablet would be the best for your son. Good luck!