Can someone help??!!!


Dec 2, 2011
OK, i have a zt 280 c71. As stated before market doesnt find much. I tried to update it and it will not update. all it will do is go thru the the update screen reafl fast and boot up. it doesnt update.


For anyone updating their 280 c71
UNZIP the update and do not create a ZT-UPDATE folder

Just take contents out of folder and paste them on the sd card and delete the zt folder!! Tha tab will update then!

The only BAD thing is it doesnt respond to the usb being pluged in, can someone help with that.
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What ROM version did you upgrade to? With the Gingerbread ROM I was able to get USB working with no problems. It's not very obvious though. On my tb when I plug in a USB cable that is also plugged into a computer a plus sign shows up at the top of the tb screen. When I tap on that I get the settings for USB connections including turning on the "mount" option.