Can SumBody, NEBody PLEASE HELP w/a cmp738D? PLZ, B4 Im Forcd 2 stab it w/ a stylus!


Dec 13, 2012
Hello Forum! Boy, am I Glad to see you . . . All!!! i was just givin a 7in. Wireless Craig cmp738DTablet for my birthday, Ive wanted 1 4EVR so I was/am so excited! A first it connected to my WIFI no prob! then about 3 days ago I noticed it was slow, stopping," Force Close", and I realized I couldnt get apps from the market, google play, amazon, etc. So I calld Craig Electronics to see if they could "HELP"! haha . . . they told me I had very commen issues & werequick and easy to fix . . . open the web site . . . type in the model # for your device . . . Search . . . Open Details, DownLoad . . . Now I'm sure all of you are Computer Current, PC Proficient, SoftWare Savy . . . Now I on the other hand, Am Not! At All! Im very determined & I catch on quick, but still just a rookie! . . . conflicting model #s . . . I have a cmp738 D - but the site only has Firmware for cmp738 A & cmp738 B - however when I pointed thos out she assured me not to worry, that it wouldn't make a difference, that ...B & ...D are essentially SAME! SOooo . . . Now that You've got all the background, all the info, you know all the details, Here are the issues I Desperately NEED your HELP to fix . . . . > as soon as the 1st firmware update from craig customer service, was finished - the WIFI wo't work! All I Get is -"Turning On..." & then -"ERROR"! it wont open settings, scan, use ethernet, bluetooth, mobile networks, Etc. So NO Internet, email, Apps, basically all the reasons to own a tablet! . . . . . . . . . > Then, After doing a little Research and talking to a few "Prefessionals", I learned that the only chance there was at saving it was to either ReInstall/ReUpgrade with new firmware or ReInstall/Restore the Original firmware! I chose to stay on the safe side this time & just decided to Restore the original software . . . . . . . --> = " E : Write Failed(no space left on device) E : Failure at line 19 : write_image Package: backup Update failed, please reboot and update again! " . . . . . . . . which I Tried, Tried & Tried Again! So Then I Tried the New Firmware, and I Tried, Tried, and Tried some more ! ! ! Yet at The Cost of My Sanity, --> "Failed . . . Reboot & Update Again" &again&again&again . . . . . .! ! ! ! SOooo . . . . . now that your all caught up & we are all on the same page . . . . . --> --> --> Can SumBody, NEBody PLEASE HELP w/a cmp738D? PLZ, B4 Im Forcd 2 stab it w/ a stylus ! ! !
Hi Redd - Hope that you haven't had to resort to violence yet! I am not familiar with the 738D, but if it is in fact the same as a cmp738b, then there are rooted roms available on this site, here is a link to the thread:

It seems that Craig released 2 versions of the 738b, some had a Realtek wifi card, others had Rockchop (I think). Since you had issues with wifi, I would suggest using the Realtek rom. You should be able to update this tablet using an SD card. Rename the rom to update.img and copy it to the root of the SD card.

In your situation, maybe the SD card method will not work. You may have to use the RKBatchUpgrade.exe tool, with USB connection to a PC. Google can help.