can the 1 gb upgraded to a 2 gb by user


Aug 25, 2012
1. Can the 1 gig memory be changed to a 2 gig "easily" by the user with just a swap?
& have no bad effects except possible a bit warmer?

2. I tried to create a folder on the A700 with its file thingy; but the folder/directory isn't seen by the computer!!! I'm able to have a folder created via the computer & usb cable but cannot do so with a folder of the same name......The question is that "is the a700 created folder just seen by itself as it is just an index & not a real fold on the SD card?

I'm trying to load books onto the a700 from the nook ereader; if folders created by the a700 files system isn't any good, will have to start again.

Oh, also got the a700 yesterday & so far, didn't get "hot" from my perspective
Welcome to the club.

Answer to Number 1 is a big N.O., unfortunately. I'd happily tear mine open if it was a simple swap. 2. It is a real folder, sometimes Windows doesn't recognize new things (especially Win7 in my experience) and it helps to do a refresh by pressing F5.
Thanks for the welcome; also for the F5 reminder.

Any reason given by Acer for NOT including the LumiReader with the A700? It still is on the A510 manual which means that the A700 isn't like an upgraded A510.

Was just hoping about the 1 gig ram even if I haven't seen any reference about upping the memory. Oh well, will just sit on my 4 sticks of 2 gig DDR2 a while longer.