Can The Archos replace an Ipaq and Kindle?


Jul 6, 2010

My wife wants a Kindle. She currently carries a DELL PDA (Axim x51).
I'm an open source kinda guy so for me an ipad is bad juju,

Could an Archos 7 replace her IPAQ and a Kindle/Nook/Ereader?

Here's what were looking for, something that will sync her Outlook/Evolution Calendar/Contacts like the Axim (basic note taking wouldnt hurt, email not required)

And then something that could read ebooks.

I read them just fine on my Axim, but she prefers a larger screen etc.

Any and ALLL ideas greatefully accepted.



My wife wants a Kindle. She currently carries a DELL PDA (Axim x51).
I'm an open source kinda guy so for me an ipad is bad juju,

Could an Archos 7 replace her IPAQ and a Kindle/Nook/Ereader?

Here's what were looking for, something that will sync her Outlook/Evolution Calendar/Contacts like the Axim (basic note taking wouldnt hurt, email not required)

And then something that could read ebooks.

I read them just fine on my Axim, but she prefers a larger screen etc.

Any and ALLL ideas greatefully accepted.



I don't believe that the Kindle app will work on the Archos 7HT. Because this device is Android 1.5, and Kindle requires 1.6. The Archos 5IT would work, but, of course, it has a smaller screen and is more expensive.
It can, but you will have to use a combination of Calibre, Aldiko to get the functionality that you want.
I think if you are looking for an elegant, low maintenance and "just works" solution, you need to use the iPad. If you like hacking, getting your hands dirty and having full control over the product you paid for, Android Tablets are the route to take.
well convieniently eough the gentouch is what i was leaning towards getting her, i have a raincheck. and then a 10" for me, ionnce the cpu situation gets straight.

but the question that i cnat reakky get pinned down is replavinng the Axim/IPAQ/PDA

I would imaginr there must be someway to sync your calendars/contats with the android pads, but havent heard much about it

call me old fashioned, i want my phone to make calls, i want somethinf else to do the rest

apps ideas how tos are all appreciated


Google apps sync calendars and contacts. That's built in functionality since Android 1.5. The problem is you getting your Outlook contacts to sync with Google, which is a bit of a mess. But I'm fully on Google now so I'm good to go.
I would not recommend an Archos 7 IMT (Not Android) for anything but watching Movies.
It's not a very good Internet browsing experience.
It does play Music very well.
I use it for listening to a few Web Radio channel, but the choice is very limited.
You can't use it for anything requiring Flash 10.0.

I have owned my Archos 7 IMT for a while now, and it performs the job I bought it for, watching movies I rip off my own DVDs for when I travel. It has excellent battery life so far. The one I bought has a 320 gig hard drive in it, the main reason I bought it. lots of storage.

Good luck in your search for a tablet, I don't thing the Archos 7 IMT is the one you are looking for though.

I've looked at google apps,

matter odf fact thats how im getting mandriva to sync to the axim, i see the calendar and the email, but not the contacts.

are the contacts a seperate part as in outlook or are the the contact list tht you build in gmail?



youre absolutely right!

I was in there this am and found a link called 'contacts' hit it and lo and behold there were all 29 of my contacts.

very cool


BTW: w/o starting a fight. what was the result of the ZT cpu issue. from what I read (yes all 13 pages) it seems as though the cpu is NOT the Cortex A8 as some sites advertised it, yet those who said it was just a zt didnt seem to do anything wrong other than possibly mis stating the speed rating?

again I dont want to start a huge fight, and I'm hoping SOMEONE has a good reliable 10" available by the end of august when I'm ready to buy, I just want to make sure of what I'm getting.


You seem pretty good with the information.

Since google apps are web based is there an android app that would make the calendar/contacts available on your tablet if you were NOT connected to the net?


That's the whole point. It syncs your phone or tablet so you don't need to be online all the time. The way it works is like a PDA, except that you turn wifi (or 3G if you have a phone) to sync. The nice thing is that it works completely independently of a PC, unlike traditional PDAs.

That's why smartphones are absolutely dominating the market right now. They combine cellphone functionality with PDA functionality.

You could very well treat a handheld Android device as a modern PDA device.
I wouldn't recommend an Archos 7 as an ereader either, regretably, and I review these tablets for a living...

There have been numerous problems problems with faulty designs, too many users that needed support from an ill equipped tech center and well, too much glare on the screen and its not fingerprint resistant; honestly? ... there are better alternatives for that price range.

Herbert from Tablet Reviews.