Cannot get Widgets on Desktop for S7


Nov 29, 2010
I have tried multiples Home Apps (Stock, aHome, OpenHome, LauncherPro). All of them I am having the same problem with.

I long press, get the menu popup, select widgets, that screen goes away, but nothing else happens. I expect the next screen to pop up allowing me to select a widget.

Any ideas?

Other than that... LOVING the S7!
watch the screen closely when you do this. I'll bet you'll see a small message appear briefly that tell you there isn't enough space for the widget on that screen. You can test this by going to a screen with a large amount of empty real estate and trying to put a widget on it.
Thanks for helping out.

I have tried this on screens that have NOTHING on them. I never even get to the windowo that lets me select which widget I want. I long-hold on the middle of the screen. I get the window that gives you choices such as folder, shortcut, widget, wallpaper. Its when I press Widget that nothing happens.

Odd. Since this is happenning with a multitude of apps I'm inclined to say user error, but you seem to know what you're doing. IDK.
If you go to your default launcher (Huawei's one) they will all be there :). For whatever reason you can't add widgets on alternative launchers as of now.
Thats a bummer. So I basically have to choose a custom home app, or widgets. Tough choice. Anyone know what might cause this to happen? I noticed that one things that seems to be happening is that once I select "Widgets" from the first popup windows, the "settings" app seems to crash and restart, which would probably be why you can't get to the screen to select widgets.

So (thinking outloud), I wonder what scenario is happening under custom home apps that causes a crash when choosing "Widgets".... hmmm....
well, i for one don't care much for the standard S7 home screen desktop environment... and i would make do with an alternative launcher until 2.2 comes out... I just hate the layout of the standard launcher...

So i hope by kicking the ball around here, i can get some input on what i can do or what is going on...

Im only new to working on these phones/tablets, but keen to learn more...

First thing i did today was reinstall Helix-launcher, AWD and launcher pro.

I installed Z4root and went nuts! :) well, not really "nuts"

I installed terminal emulator and ran "su" so i could run "logcat" while the launcher was running, so i could get an idea of what was running when i tried to load a widget. if something was crashing... or if something was killing the process... i was keen to find out...

Because i am still learning, I will post up what i have now in the hope that it makes sense to someone else, and i will keep looking for info :)

Jason's S7 logcat log said:
I/ActivityManager( 1080): Starting activity: Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.helixproject.launcher/.Launcher }
D/WindowManager( 1080): [rotationForOrientationLw] return curRotation: curRotation 3
D/Chi-TRACE( 8319): @@@@-----------------------onResume: HelixLauncher
W/InputManagerService( 1080): Starting input on non-focused client$Stub$Proxy@30735c58 (uid=10061 pid=8333)
W/IInputConnectionWrapper( 8333): showStatusIcon on inactive InputConnection
I/ActivityManager( 1080): Starting activity: Intent { act=android.appwidget.action.APPWIDGET_PICK (has extras) }
I/[CC_TRACE]( 1219): Find Widget 0 Picture frame
I/[CC_TRACE]( 1219): Find Widget 0 Emotion Memo
I/[CC_TRACE]( 1219): Find Widget 0 Emotion Weather
I/[CC_TRACE]( 1219): Find Widget 0 Calendar
I/[CC_TRACE]( 1219): Find Widget 0 Emotion Music
I/[CC_TRACE]( 1219): Find Widget 0 Emotion RSS Reader
I/[CC_TRACE]( 1219): Find Widget 0 Analog clock
I/[CC_TRACE]( 1219): Find Widget 0 Emotion Events
I/[CC_TRACE]( 1219): Find Widget 0 YouTube
I/[CC_TRACE]( 1219): Find Widget 0 Emotion Video
I/[CC_TRACE]( 1219): Find Widget 0 Twidroyd (small)
I/[CC_TRACE]( 1219): Find Widget 0 Twidroyd
I/[CC_TRACE]( 1219): Find Widget 0 Twidroyd (large)
I/[CC_TRACE]( 1219): Find Widget 0 Emotion Email
I/[CC_TRACE]( 1219): Find Widget 0 Emotion Photo Frame
I/[CC_TRACE]( 1219): Find Widget 0 Emotion Photo Viewer
I/[CC_TRACE]( 1219): Find Widget 0 Emotion Calendar
I/[CC_TRACE]( 1219): Find Widget 0 Emotion Clock
I/[CC_TRACE]( 1219): Find Widget 0 Emotion Photo Album
I/[CC_TRACE]( 1219): Find Widget 0 Emotion Bookmarks
I/[CC_TRACE]( 1219): Find Widget 0 Power Control
I/[CC_TRACE]( 1219): Find Widget 0 3G watchdog
I/[CC_TRACE]( 1219): Find Widget 0 3G watchdog (big)
I/[CC_TRACE]( 1219): Find Widget 0 Facebook
I/[CC_TRACE]( 1219): Find Widget 0 Advanced Task Killer Free
I/[CC_TRACE]( 1219): Find Widget 0 Engadget
I/[CC_TRACE]( 1219): Find Widget 0 Titanium Backup
I/[CC_TRACE]( 1219): Find Widget 0 Latitude
I/[CC_TRACE]( 1219): Find Widget 0 Rate Places
I/[CC_TRACE]( 1219): Find Widget 0 Market
I/[CC_TRACE]( 1219): Find Widget 0 Search
W/InputManagerService( 1080): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of:$Stub$Proxy@308a7228
D/Chi-TRACE( 8319): @@@@-----------------------onResume: HelixLauncher
I/ActivityManager( 1080): Starting activity: Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=jackpal.androidterm/.Term }
D/WindowManager( 1080): [rotationForOrientationLw] return curRotation: curRotation 3
D/Chi-TRACE( 8333): @@@@-----------------------onResume: Terminal Emulator
W/KeyCharacterMap( 8333): Can't open keycharmap file
W/KeyCharacterMap( 8333): Error loading keycharmap file '/system/usr/keychars/hid_keypad.kcm.bin'. hw.keyboards.65537.devname='hid_keypad'
W/KeyCharacterMap( 8333): Using default keymap: /system/usr/keychars/qwerty.kcm.bin
D/Chi-TRACE( 1706): XXXX onReceive: ALLOW AUTOMATIC REFRESH: [1,60]
I/ActivityManager( 1080): Starting activity: Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=jackpal.androidterm/.Term }
D/Chi-TRACE( 8333): @@@@-----------------------onResume: Terminal Emulator
another 2 cents...
How is the layering of these screens done? IE
in some programs and when adding widgets, returning from certain screens, on multiple android devices....
It seems like the "desktop" loads something like this

1) background image
2) standard android platform with background process
3) default launcher
4) custom overlay
5) annoying lock screen

sometimes i see this process "build" from the floor up as
a) I bring the device out of "standby," I have SetCPU to run at slowest speed when in standby, has lag and I get to see a bit more of the load process because SetCPU is also trying to change the processor back to the 998mhz it wants to use for non "screen off activity"
b) I add a widget, seems like process takes a longer hold than normal on my droid and other devices WITHOUT item 4 AS-IF the screen needs acknoledgement that you are trying to access the base system to "add" a widget. ALSO the widget once added seems to go to a layer that is not the base system. I mean, how many other android devices load widgets to the corner of a screen and THEN allow you to move them around. until they "sit" nicely where they seem to want to be "placed" <--- launcher (or layer 4) seems to be damn picky, no?
c) know that "back" arrow that pops up only AFTER you go into a certain app, say file manager, or hell, even the launcher, It does not always have a "tailing" notification bar. Example... when in File manager you get your "connection" icons, in the Application tray this back arrow comes along for the ride but the notification bar is gone.... switch from applications to file manager (see notifications) and then <back arrow> to applications and watch the notification bar "coast" away with another back arrow and title bar with NO notification.
d) the animations of the screen suggest these layers... just watch

I looks like the S7, from the Custom overlay 4 "takes" widgets, and sends them to the default launcher 3 below. If i relate this to the old iframe load events, we would be looking for a way to tell the system that "hey ive installed a new layer 3, its no longer called default launcher, its called Helix-launcher" or ect lets open and send widgets to this new frame name

so where is the default launcher stored? (can we store additional launchers here) where does the S7 choose to install additional launchers? and how can we get item 4 to send widgets to item 3 when item 3 is a different launcher than stock?

i used the word Iframe rofl
onResume: HelixLauncher
W/InputManagerService( 1080): Starting input on non-focused client$Stub$ Proxy@30735c58 (uid=10061 pid=8333)
W/IInputConnectionWrapper( 8333): showStatusIcon on inactive InputConnection
I/ActivityManager( 1080): Starting activity: Intent { act=android.appwidget.action.APPWIDGET_PICK

here is a nickel to support my two cents

looking at your LOGCAT look at how the "focus" is set up:
After this command, (command being your long finger press, that penetrates level 4)
resume the HelixLauncher
(Starts service at level 4), asks for input from the Helix Launchers "known widgets" (it would now be "out of focus" but being called or referenced to)
then asks to put the status of such icons on the inactive screen (HelixLauncher)

in your example it looks like layer 4 does not see the widgets of layer three or that when the new launcher was installed it did not have proper instructions on where to find widgets

Furthermore when your "done" with this command it brings the terminal back up on top of layer 4

I/ActivityManager( 1080): Starting activity: Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=jackpal.androidterm/.Term }

Ill run a LOGCAT on a working widget add, change launchers and run the same with a different launcher... see what we can compare... However I will be off my graveyard shift now... that means sleep, whos going to beat me to it? (do the work for me/us haha)