Cannot install Google Play or Gapps on Kyros 9742


Jun 6, 2012
As the title says, I cannot install Google Play or Gapps on my 9742.

I rooted and did a ROM dump as per instructions here:

I installed Gapps as suggested in that thread but when I rebooted the tablet, I had errors with all the Gapps closing e.g. Calender, Contacts etc. And Play didn't actually install. I had to restore to stock.

I also tried the suggestions here but it didn't help:

I tried custom ROMs but the camera didn't work on them and I found they slowed the tablet down.

Any ideas anyone? Maybe I'm doing something stupid ;)
I got it to work with these files i posted on my sharred google drive email address deleted down load store to table have a zip file installed on table if not i added one to drive open extract install in the order reboot works great .
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I got it to work with these files i posted on my sharred google drive email address deleted down load store to table have a zip file installed on table if not i added one to drive open extract install in the order reboot works great .
I can't find you on Google drive.

Can you send me a direct link please?
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Well first off, you did the absolute smartest thing you could possibly do: you made a dump of your ROM in case something did go wrong. Apparently it did. Also, if you're trying this on XP, it could be an ADB driver issue, which can be resolved by installing PDANet.

The Play Store not installing is unusual. When I installed the Google apps, after making a nandroid backup of the stock ROM without them, I had issues with the Play Store force closing although I did not have issues with the Play Store installing. If I recall correctly, I had to clear both the regular and Dalvik caches in ClockworkMod before the apps worked properly. Unfortunately, my recollections are a bit hazy regarding what I did to get the apps working, so there's no guarantee that wiping the caches will work.

The tweaks in the other thread are to improve the compatibility of the Play Store, once you actually get the Play Store up and running.
I had a very similar problem with my 9042. Try removing as much bloatware from the system as possible to open up room in the system memory. Sometimes it wont install because of lack of room in this area. Give this a try then install them again and let us know what happens.
Quite likely, as I see you got it to work on your tablet by removing the bloatware. I didn't have nearly as much bloatware on my 9742, which would explain why I didn't have to remove anything and yet still have working apps.
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