Cannot reflash my Tablet 4-0-3

Sep 11, 2012
Bought tablet about 3 weeks ago from retailer in China. It powered on the first time. Tried to set the clock and it halted and got hooked. Used reset key. It powered on but I could enter my name and set the clock. Each time I tried anything else, the page would chage, so I could not achieve anything. Then it will not open beyond logo. Supplier sent me software to reflash it. Downloaded them to sd, and incerted it. Now it shows a splash about "Prepare enter mmc update mode. . . It does not go beyond that. What do I do?
Bought tablet about 3 weeks ago from retailer in China. It powered on the first time. Tried to set the clock and it halted and got hooked. Used reset key. It powered on but I could enter my name and set the clock. Each time I tried anything else, the page would chage, so I could not achieve anything. Then it will not open beyond logo. Supplier sent me software to reflash it. Downloaded them to sd, and incerted it. Now it shows a splash about "Prepare enter mmc update mode. . . It does not go beyond that. What do I do?

First Hello
Welcome to forum.

This Guild i give you may not be for your tablet but there is no harm in trying it.. This is for the jelly bean os.

Flash instructions:

You will need RK Batch Tool 1.5,

Extract the Rockchip batch tool whichincludes the necessary drivers for Windows

Run the RKBatchTool.exe in the extracted Flashtool folder and select the image you downloaded

1 Shut down your tablet

2 Plug the USB cable into your tablet

3. Now pressing the power and volume + buttons together connect the other endof the USB cable to your PC

4. Once Windows notices a new device release the 2 buttons

5. When asked for drivers browse to the “drivers” folder within the extractedbatch tool folder and select it allowing windows to install the driver. If youaren't asked for drivers and you get a device install failure go to DeviceManager and look for Unknown Device. Right click on this and select updatedrivers. Browse to the folder within the RKBatchTool folder with the drivers for your OS (Win 7 64 bit in my case) and select this folder.

6. If all ok the "device 1 connected" square within theRKBatchTool_1.5 will change from grey to green

7. Press the “upgrade” button in RKBatchTool_1.5

8. The green square should change to orange showing that the flash operationis happening

9. If all ok you should get a success message at the end (takes about 3minutes)

10. The tablet should reboot but if it does not then press the power button

11. The first boot after an upgrade takes much longer than a normal boot. Justbe patient and wait for the lockscreen.

12. The default language will be Chinese. When you get a prompt hit the homebutton and then go to settings and look for the menu option with a letter A ina white box (this is language). Select this and then the top option on theright hand side of the screen. This will give you a list of languages. SelectEnglish (UK) or whatever and then restart the tablet.


Hope this will help you?:D
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Hi Dawnstar,
I read your reply and sent a reply yesterday. It appears you have not got it. I surffed the internet with google, avg, Ask, and Yahoo for RK Batch Tool 1.5 -Vista. I did not include in the name of Sysem I am using.. I use Vista Premium, Hole Edition.
I read a lot and got some useful information on the "Flashing a firmware on Rockchip CPU based devices:" There was no download for it. Kindly send me the link to a download, or attach the software with email. Thank you for your assistance. I really appretiate.