First off hello! This site has been a wealth of knowledge and insight, Thank you to all of the developers and contributers!
I rooted my Droid X, installed the GingerBread before it was rooted then had to back out to load the rooted version (the next day) then updated with deodexed yesterday.
BUT, I cannot for the life of me get my gTab to boot in recovery to load a Rom or CWR.
I've tried every 'logical' way I could think of.
I have Tap UI 1.1-3588
Verified TnT Lite 4.4.0
[STICKY][ROM]TNT LITE - alternate GTAB firmware (upd. 03/30/11, latest ver. is 4.4.0) - xda-developers
I've followed the directions to the T.
extracted Rom/CWR RAR into root drive of tab /sdcard ( & recovery w/ control) [verified they are not blank files]
after powering down, holding power & vol up, the viewsonic screen does not display any recovery section in top left of screen. after blip of boot screen, the tab is....just off
I've done the same thing with CWR to no avail
I've also placed both (at dif times obviously) on my microSD card and changed the control file to look at SDCard2 and tried placing that file in the recovery of Root and Root of SDCard respectfully and.... nada!
seriously, I've read/watched a bunch of instructions.
I've downloaded the stock 3855 but havnt tried as it wont boot recover for anything else.
Please advise the Tablet Noob!

Thanks in advance!
I rooted my Droid X, installed the GingerBread before it was rooted then had to back out to load the rooted version (the next day) then updated with deodexed yesterday.
BUT, I cannot for the life of me get my gTab to boot in recovery to load a Rom or CWR.
I've tried every 'logical' way I could think of.
I have Tap UI 1.1-3588
Verified TnT Lite 4.4.0
[STICKY][ROM]TNT LITE - alternate GTAB firmware (upd. 03/30/11, latest ver. is 4.4.0) - xda-developers
I've followed the directions to the T.
extracted Rom/CWR RAR into root drive of tab /sdcard ( & recovery w/ control) [verified they are not blank files]
after powering down, holding power & vol up, the viewsonic screen does not display any recovery section in top left of screen. after blip of boot screen, the tab is....just off
I've done the same thing with CWR to no avail
I've also placed both (at dif times obviously) on my microSD card and changed the control file to look at SDCard2 and tried placing that file in the recovery of Root and Root of SDCard respectfully and.... nada!
seriously, I've read/watched a bunch of instructions.
I've downloaded the stock 3855 but havnt tried as it wont boot recover for anything else.
Please advise the Tablet Noob!
Thanks in advance!