Can't connect wifi on my 7022


Nov 6, 2011
Okay, I've done all the prerequisite precise info on this problem that I can find...
I got my tablet today. My 7022 will pick up the wifi at work, but not here at home. I'm using an ad-hoc network under Vista, with an Atheros card in my pc, which effectively turns my pc into the router. For those of you who have never explored this network option, it's for those of us who are either too broke, too tight-fisted or too geeky to take the simpler route of using a normal wireless router. We have to install a wireless $10 card in our computers and perform 15 steps to accomplish the simplest thing.
Anyway, my 7022 will scan. Pause. Scan. Pause. Scan. My daughter's laptop picks up the signal fine, but the Coby will only occasionally scan a little longer than usual, as if to say, "There's something there...I can smell it...but I am NOT going to give you any satisfaction by connecting."
My card is an Atheros AR5005GS, which is supposed to broadcast on b and g bands. If I've read the past million threads correctly, the 7022 should at least pick up the b.
So why is it not registering that there's a wireless network? Can anyone tell me how to manually locate and setup the network?
Thanks to you all.
The issue may lie in the ad-hock network and the Kyros not working with that. I know mine didn't work with ad hoc.

Sent from my rooted, baked, Gingerbread rocking Kyros MID1024
Froyo and Gingerbread don't support ad-hoc networks AFAIK. The easier solution in this case is to install something like Connectify on your computer as it creates an infrastructure network (as opposed to an ad-hoc one).
OK, thought I'd let you guys know...thanks for the comments by the way...I gave up and bought a cheapie standalone wireless router. Problem solved, though it's not the elegant solution I wanted. Driving nails with a sledgehammer. :D