Can't find the program notifications in the task bar


Apr 26, 2012
i don't know if its name is the task bar .. anyhow it is the bar that contains the clock.

my problem is that, i expect to have the notification of any software in that bar (i.e. when downloading i should find icon notifying about this , when i plug in/out the headphone is should find the icon for the headphone , when i turn on/off Bluetooth i should find the bluetooth icon .. but i don't find any of these icons there)
i only find the clock , wifi, battery ..
but if i click on it i can see all the icons in the list appears ...

i hope that i was able to explain the problem ... and does anyone know what could be the problem ??!!

In the list that appears then you tap the notification area there is a setting for notifications.
Make sure you have not turned that off.

I've noticed that occasionally downloading files from the web don't show the little download icon.
Other times it does show.
Thanks for your reply ...

I also have the problem of the file download indication, but it is always like this !!!