change app storage location


Apr 15, 2011
How can I change the location where apps are stored? Currently, they are stored to the internal tablet storage. I have 8 GB Internal SD card that I want to access, as well has a 4 GB extrenal SD card. As of now I cannot add any more apps because the internal tablet storage is full.
On my tablet, I use the 'Manage Applications'.
Not all apps can be copied to the Sd but many can.
Go to your equivalent of Manage Apps, select an app and it should have a screen that says something like
Force Stop
and on mine for apps that can be copied, there is a button that says 'copy to SD'
All this is presuming that you can access the SD and it is recognised correctly. I just posted a suggestion to use HP format 2.0.6 for SD cards (that is what I need on my tabklet anyway - must be that and not the newer version)