Changing owner name?


Senior Member
Oct 17, 2011
I purchased a Fire on release day for my wife & son to use (I have an Asus Transformer).
Thing is, I'm the Amazon Prime account holder (I've had the Prime account for years) so my name is displayed on the Fire by default.

Does anyone know how (or if) you can change the displayed owners name on the Kindle Fire?

I know it's a minor gripe, but it would be nice if I could change the displayed "owners" name as the device was a gift.
I certainly don't want to buy another Prime membership just for the ability to have her name on it!

My wife and son both love the Fire so far and it would make my wife even happier if I could get this done for her.

Any/all help would be appreciated!​
Go to your Amazon account, Manage my Kindle, Manage my devices; you can change the name of any registered Kindle device from that page