Charge Status Indicator Light on Coby Kyros MID7042


Jun 13, 2012
Can any of you 7042 owners tell me if the 7042 has a charge status indicator light? I purchased the tablet a couple of weeks ago, but have had no success locating the indicator light. There was a reference to the indicator light on page 10 of the user manual in the section entitled “Charging the Tablet”:

Charging the Tablet

The tablet comes with a built-in rechargeable lithium-polymer battery.

Before using the tablet, the battery should be charged fully. The Status Indicator will light blue when the battery is charged fully.

Assuming that the device does have a charge status indicator light, could someone tell me where it is located? I tried contacting Coby technical support last week, but so far I have not heard back from them.

Thanks for your help folks. :)
The 7042 does not have a LED light of any kind. If you wish to check that your tablet is charging then very briefly tap the power button. The screen will come on and show you not only that its charging as well as the current amount of charge in the battery. The unit must be off for this screen to come up, this is handy though because the unit will charge a bit faster off and its nice to see how much it has charged.
The 7042 does not have a LED light of any kind. If you wish to check that your tablet is charging then very briefly tap the power button. The screen will come on and show you not only that its charging as well as the current amount of charge in the battery. The unit must be off for this screen to come up, this is handy though because the unit will charge a bit faster off and its nice to see how much it has charged.

I believe what they are referring to is the battery life indicator you see in the lower right corner system tray. Looks like a lil blue battery. It's not a hardware piece on the device. It's part of the OS on the screen.
Ratboy said:
I believe what they are referring to is the battery life indicator you see in the lower right corner system tray. Looks like a lil blue battery. It's not a hardware piece on the device. It's part of the OS on the screen.

hes talking before you ever turn the tablet. Read his post.
hes talking before you ever turn the tablet. Read his post.

Ziggyzag is correct, I was referring to an actual LED on the periphery of the tablet, but I appreciate both of your replies just the same.

I figured that the folks at Coby might have included some generic text in the user's manual that did not apply to the 7042, but I just wanted to confirm that.

Thanks again guys. :)
Same here. Another fib on page 30 about working with Linux. Honeycomb did, but ICS switched the USB protocol to MTP

      • MTP (Media Transport Protocol) – a USB file system transactional protocol. An entire file is the smallest unit of transaction. MTP is a [FONT=Liberation Mono, monospace]Microsoft[/FONT] standard for MP3 players and is incorporated into [FONT=Liberation Mono, monospace]Media[/FONT] [FONT=Liberation Mono, monospace]Player[/FONT] [FONT=Liberation Mono, monospace]10[/FONT] and beyond. There are upgrade packages going back as far as W2K.
      • MSD (Mass Storage Device) – a raw (block level) USB persistent storage protocol.
      • The USB persistent storage protocol, as of [FONT=Liberation Mono, monospace]Ice[/FONT] [FONT=Liberation Mono, monospace]Cream[/FONT] [FONT=Liberation Mono, monospace]Sandwich[/FONT] ([FONT=Liberation Mono, monospace]Android 4[/FONT]) is MTP. As of May.2012 there is no Fedora support. The [FONT=Liberation Mono, monospace]gMTP[/FONT] package is in the wings.
