Charging Issue for Dragon Touch Tablet


Junior Member
May 4, 2015
We have a fairly new Dragon Touch tablet, but it doesn't want to charge! When it's plugged in, it gives you the charging icon, but it does not actually charge? Today, it's been plugged in for approximately 4 hours, and it is still at 0%. I did try resetting, via that reset button, but no change. Help!

Should add, that we have 2 of these tablets, so I have tried another charging cable, too. No luck.
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Hi pld7, congratulations on your Dragon Touch tablets and welcome to the forum. Glad you decided to join us here at Android Tablets.

If the tablet turns on while it's on the charger, try resetting it via the settings.
just acquired a dragon tablet should it be turned on or off during charging It was below 30% at timeso how long should I leave oin charge to be fully up to 100%?
Most tablet manufacturers, when they do suggest an initial charge, say 8 hours. Usually turned off.
weird it has been on charge nearly all day and it is still not fully charged!! what am I doing wrong? I have noticed though that the charger plug into the tablet doesn't actually go all the way into the hole where it is supposed to be!!
I'm wondering if that is the problem....
that's done now it needed a little twist to get completely seated
Thanks!! Hopefully that will be ready for tomorrow