Charging Question?!?


Nov 30, 2011
Hi, I just received my a100 by UPS a few hours ago. The quick start guide said to charge the tablet for at least 4 hours, but it's only been charging for about an hour and a half and the power light has turned from orange to a bright blue and the home button is flashing like crazy. Does this indicate that it's safe to turn on, or do I need to continue to let it charge for the remainder of the recommended 4 hours?

Thanks in advance.


Anyone? Please? Has now been charging and home button blinking quickly for ~3hrs. If it is completely charged, am I damaging it by leaving it charging for the recommended 4?
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Thanks anyway everyone. I'm guessing since it came preloaded with games from gamestop that they had already charged it a bit. Only problem there is that it didn't do the initial start up where it was supposed to ask me questions. I'm having to sign into my Google account with each individual app, lol.
Sorry I didn't see your post sooner Jacob, but leaving it on the charger doesn't hurt it at all.
Mine stays on the charger all the time to insure that when I take it on the road that it is charged to the max. In fact the Acer desk stand you can buy also keeps a continuous charge going all the time while it is on the stand. As for the sign in pattern, I did the same thing and had to log on to everything individually. The sign in function needs some software improvement, it's a catch 22 of sorts. You need to be on-line to do the sign up but you also have to have already logged on to your WiFi before you can get on line. It told me I needed an internet connection in order to sign up. But when I left the start-up page and went in to the internet setup then I could not get back to the start-up page. Go figure.