Chocolate Easter Android

Thank you unwiredmedic, that is a nice render. Can you make one from real chocolate so i can eat it?
Yes we like chocolate... can you make an androida inchovolate as well..
You know Unsirreedmefic, the mods are going tio chase you with their brooms! A discussion like this should be in - off topic- We actually built a nice europeean cafe there....come and visit and don' t forget the android chocolate!
Since this is the wallpaper forum and I made this as the wallpaper for my Android devices, I assumed this would be the correct forum.

I have a chocolate candy factory near me, so maybe I can get them to make these in hollow and solid, milk and dark chocolate, crispy or not, peanut butter filled, etc. LOL.
That would be awesome! Since it is android you shold be able to have a variety of flavors instead of just fruit filled ;)
How lucky are you to have a candy factoryy near you! I didn't realize you used the ciocolate android/bunny as your wallpaper....please post your screenshot in my thread - just SCRENSHOTS- it's soooo sweet!!!

It may seem early to others, but in Chicago we start looking forward to Easter right after Christmas.:cool:
We could be talked into it, that green beer isn't as nasty as it looks.:eek:
This is so cute! Thanks for sharing your chocolate easter android. I personally love eastern! It's so nice that the kids get gift baskets from chocolate and easter eggs and also some little toys. And when the weather it's good it's really fun! Unfortunately this year it was rainy :( this was a little bit sad but it's nothing you can influence.