Christmas Present recommendations!


Dec 15, 2010
Hey! I have an HTC Magic and love android. Ive done some android development and think its great.

SO i thought how about an android tablet for my xmas!!! Sounds good! Price range between £150 ->£200 ish however there are mountains of the things..I have no idea which one would be best.

Can people help me select the best out of this bunch? I am concerned about the following:

Capacitive / Resistive
Speed of processor
Amount of ram
Battery life
OS version
Screen quality
So - my previous thread about Christmas present has had absolutely no attention + replies - surprised at lack of a response!

Ive done some research and found this tablet - does anyone have one? Any opinions?
The reason you will not get a response about this tablet is the fact this is borderline vaporware. Lots of Marketing, but I have yet to see a real price and vendor.

I would recommend as the Android tablet is ranging from Bleeding Edge to Bloody edge, stay with products you can associate with a Google Shopping or major seller like Amazon to at least source. Then look at the tablets which have gotten good post release press. Not many have gotten that other than the Samsung Galaxy or some of the E-Readers.
Its on sale in PCWorld and Currys - check their online stores at £250 ish quid.

Well what can you recommend from what is out there that is any good. There must be something decent otherwise there would not be a complete forum setup to discuss android tablets. I want an android tablet, people know my price range **and a lot more about tablets than I do** so what would you lot go for!

Well thats what they say but perhaps in store? I dont know - phoning them tomorrow. If not that - then what should I get?
It's not really vaporware, people who bought it like it. There's a custom ROM for it. There's just no activity in the US, which is what the forum is more knowledgeable about.

If you can find one, check your requirements, and grab one.

It's a pretty good deal right now for 250quid. Americans have to pay a bit more to get the same thing in the Viewsonic G-tab.