Cloning Nook apps to another nook


Jan 21, 2011
I bought my mom a nook color (she's about to go thru chemo.... long hours sitting in a chair). Found this forum, rooted it, etc.. and now I'm wanting one for myself after seeing how its so much more than a reader. Plus my sister wants me to root hers...

My question is, is there a good way to ghost it? The rooting process was extremely simple (thanks to fantastic instructions in this forum, especially all posts I've read by "matt"), but is there a way to say back up the original rooted nook and use that backup on the others and avoid having to install all of the apps again and again?

thanks in advance for any help, and thanks for all the help given already!
Not a way I know of, but you could backup every app with ASTRO file manager. Then copy the backup folder from the SD card to another SD card, insert the new SD card to the new NC. Use ASTRO on the new NC and restore all the app, then although you won't have exactly layouts, you will have exactly the same apps installed.

Restoring apps after factory reset flash/update using ASTRO
Rico, will it work once ROM Manager is 100%? I figured a full backup on one Nook should work as a total restore on another? I'm guessing it'd work that way for my Droid, but I haven't tried ROM Manager on the Nook yet!

The rooting process was extremely simple (thanks to fantastic instructions in this forum, especially all posts I've read by "matt"), but is there a way to say back up the original rooted nook and use that backup on the others and avoid having to install all of the apps again and again?

If you mean me then THANKS!!!!! (Do we have another Matt yet???) I just got called a "social bully" on Amazon the other day, and I'm still sore about it. :( I think someone in the forum mistook my immaturity, unbridled enthusiasm, and exaggerated sense of knowledge and skill as an attempt to intimidate or impress others. Your comment was just the ego-boost I needed!

In all seriousness: the best of luck to your mother. I hope the treatments are tolerable and she stays comfortable.

And welcome to the forum!

I think Titanium Backup will work for that, but I have not tried it on a Nook, and especially not between 2 nooks. It backs up your apps to your SD card. If you were to do that then move its backup files to another SD (or just move the SD card) then restore, it should work.
Thanks for the advice! I figured I'd just do the astro thing at the very least..... but I will definitely try the titanium backup first and let you know if it works.

I was honestly surprised at how easy it was to root, it took me longer to simply burn the image onto an SD card than it did to root the device. I found it was easier to do (burning the image) on the pc than on my mac though, in case anyone is struggling with that part.

(feeling brave now so gonna attempt "rooting" my ps3!)