CMP741e help!


Mar 31, 2013
Ive been searching online for awhile for help and come to no answers.

A craig tablet model CMP741e came into my possession (ex roommate flashes and flips electronics, gave it to me as payment for rent, then took off anyway because were not on good terms.....) and i finally turned it on this week. starts to boot up, then gets stuck on android logo. Ive tried powering it off then on again, holding buttons down, pressing the reset... i dont have a computer at home, so im finally online with my moms mac searching for answers. The mac doesnt recognize that a device has been plugged in. I happen to have an extra micro sd card, but i cant dl and put a boot on it, my moms mac doesnt have a slot for the card--and i cant seem to find any downloads for mac anyway. should i just wait until i have access to a pc with the slot? or is there other options? i dont want everything bout my roommate to be janky. XD
You'll need to restore the tablet using phoenixcard. Please check my new tutorial thread for more information. This will require access to a PC, I don't know of any methods of creating a restore card from a MAC.

On the topic of using this as rent, retail price on this device has been $99 and it was recently on clearance for between $10 and $25. I'll let you draw your own conclusions.