Coby 7042 Touchscreen Problem


Jan 1, 2013
Hi There,

I'm a little bit late in the game and got the kids a 7042 for Christmas but to my dismay it had a very limited Gapps selection. Did my research which led me to this forum and followed your rooting instructions but unfortunately, the noob that I am, managed to disable my touch screen. Not sure if the rooting process worked. Did a dump but can't access it (if it got saved to the internal hard drive because I didn't have an SD card inserted in the Tab).

Got any ideas how to get the touch screen working again? I wanted to proceed with flashing the clockwork mod thing but decided to message you first least I ruin the device beyond repair.

Thanks in Advance!

This index is simply a method of keeping what I believe is the relevant development stuff in one place to make it easier for people to find. If there is something you feel should be added to this list, go ahead and post it.

Rooting and Dump Utility for Windows
Since one of our posters had questions regarding the actual order in which things should be done, I went and revised the entire thread to try and make it easier to follow.

The basic procedure to root devices can be broken down into the following steps:

  • Download root tool and ADB drivers.
  • Root.
  • Create System dump.
This root utility only works with tablets that use an Allwinner or VI Micro CPU. For tablets using the Telechips CPU (7034, 7036, 7048, 8048, possibly 7030 and 7032), root your tablets using the flashable zip created by Vampirefo at

Download root tool and ADB drivers: Rooting the tablet requires the following tools.

Follow the link given for the ADB drivers above and download the drivers from that link. Unzip the driver package to a directory and follow the instructions at the link to install the drivers onto your system. Download the root utility from the link given and unzip its contents to a directory on your hard drive.

Root: Before attempting to root, read the following disclaimer.

Disclaimer: There have been incidents recently (as of 10/22/12) regarding devices either becoming bricked or being rendered so unstable as to be virtually useless. The common denominator in all these incidents is that the end users installed custom ROMs using Livesuite and then proceeded to use the root utility to install Clockworkmod. Given ADB's track record of reliability with millions of Android devices, the only conclusion I can draw from this is that Livesuite is the cause of the problem. Therefore, if you have used Livesuite to install a ROM, DO NOT ATTEMPT TO USE THIS UTILITY. Using the root utility on a Livesuite-modified tablet may cause damage to the firmware which may not be fixable by any means, even with a system dump. Should you choose to use the utility despite this warning, you do so at your own risk.

On your tablet, turn on USB Debugging (Settings > Developer Options). Connect your tablet to the computer if it is not already connected, and do not turn on USB storage. Then on the computer navigate to the directory where you extracted the root utility and run "root_restore.bat". The first screen you see will remind you to turn on USB Debugging and to connect the tablet if you haven't already done so. Once connected, the utility should present to you a menu with a list of options. The one you want is "Root". From there, you will have the choice of rooting a 703x tablet (7033, 7035) or "All other Generation 3 Tablets" (7042, 8042, 9042, 9740, 9742, 1042, 1045). After choosing the correct rooting method for your tablet the rooting process will begin. Follow any prompts that may appear. When completed, you will have the option to reboot the tablet. Reboot the tablet. The root utility will return to the main menu, where you can perform the next step once the tablet has finished booting.

Create System dump: With the tablet still connected to the PC and its USB debugging turned on, select "Dump System Files" in the utility. It will remind you to not disconnect the cable and prompt you to continue. After telling the utility to continue it will proceed to extract all files on your tablet and place them on /mnt/sdcard as a group of four files in a directory titled dump: boot.img, bootloader.img, recovery.img, and system.tgz. Copy these files off the tablet, compress them all into a single zip file, and post them on the forums. We have a thread set up for the purpose:
Update: in Panic, did a hard reboot and the screen is now working again. followed your steps so my tab is now rooted and has clockwork mod in it. updated with the google apps rom but apparently, nothing changed with my system. Looks like a bit of "work" was already done to my tab when i purchased it. (it had google play pre installed. just need to get "incompatible" apps running on it that's why I landed this forum.) Reading through the Let's settle the Google Apps Compatibility Issue Thread now. Thanks a lot!