COBY Kyros 7022 Contacts list debacle - I just want to Text on the damn thing!!!


Dec 22, 2012
Update: got it working finally. D'led Contacts.apk, ContactsProvider.apk, GoogleContactsSyncAdapter.apk. Pieced all the APK together by reading a bunch of threads. Installed and was able to enter new contacts. Textplus is working. Kind of buggy and crashed a few times. Couple of other apps are crashing too.... So far I am less than impressed with the stability of the Kyros'd Android platform.

I'm still shaking my head that Coby never included a Contacts list. It sure would of save a LOT trouble.


Noob tablet owner here.

Been trying to just Text on this damn thing. I want to run TextPlus ( or any other app) and be able to have a contact list just so I can type in a persons name in the to: field and not have to type in the phone number.

Well this freakin' tablet doesn't come with a Contact List - I have FINALLY downloaded the Contacts.apk 2.2.1 and Contacts Sync Adapter v 2.2. After reading the forum for HOURS.

I have access to Market thanks to Daprospecta and his youtube video. I have not rooted this tablet and don't really want to.
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