Coby Kyros MID7024 Bluetooth/3GHSDPA sticks

Dec 14, 2011
I've got a Coby Kyros MID7024 flashed with alldro2 in use as a carputer (attached to my dash)
Curious to know if I can attach my bluetooth dongle from dealextreme via the USB port? and perhaps a 3G HSDPA dongle via the same fashion?
I have tried the bluetooth dongle, and though there is a "turn on bluetooth" button in the menu, it does absolutely nothing when pressed.
Did you change USB mode to "Host" in Settings -> Advanced settings? You need to do this when you attach any peripheral to the USB port using the provided OTG cable.
Wow. I feel like an idiot.
I will give that a try the next time I am in my car,
Thanks for the quick reply!