Coby Kyros MID7036: System Back-Up, Rooting, and Restore Help for a NOOB!


Dec 7, 2012
Hi Guys and Gals,

I am a Noob and I just got my Coby Kyros MID7036. I got the device because it is very inexpensive and practical for my needs. However, I have found out that there is a chance to maximize the gadget. In a nutshell, these are the things I need to do to maximize the tablet :

1. Create a System Restore file or System Dump to have a back-up just in case Rooting does not work.
I still have to do some research on this one to find out a Coby Kyros MID7036 specific way of creating a DUMP. Although I am not sure if having a SYSTEM DUMP will enable me to restore the tablet to stock settings if I encounter problems in ROOTING, but having a back-up might help me in the future.

2. Root using this simple steps : by vampirefo.
The vampirefo. way is the best and simple way to root that I have found so far. As far as I know, rooting the device will allow me to maximize capabilities giving me root access. This will also enable me to access GOOGLE PLAY so I can download more popular apps for Android.

These are the things I have researched so far, I am still trying to understand a few things before I go ahead and root my device. But I have a few questions for you guys if you have time to help out:

1. Is there a Coby Kyros MID7036 specific way of creating a System Dump or the System Dump I have found for other devices will also work for my device?

2. Am I right to assume that if in case I will have problems with the root or I want to go back to stock settings, I just need to re-install(?) the System Dump I have saved?

3. Is it also true that Rooting a device will open it to Virus and Malware?

4. Is there anything else I need to do to maximize the tablet? I just need to have access to Google Play for the Apps and games.

Thank you for taking the time to read my post and I hope to learn more about my device so I can make sure I don't brick it or something.


Okay, this is what I have found so far:


-Google Play
-Additional Storage Capacity


-Google Play

-To get Google Play the easiest and fastest way is to root the tablet, I have used the Root option on my first post to do this, now my tablet is rooted and is working seamlessly. I got confident about rooting since I found out that I can un-root the tablet if need be.

-Additional Storage Capacity

-Research has brought mo to this :

I am still not sure if this will work with my tablet so I am doing a bit of research. I am also doing some research for creating a nandroid backup since when I tried the ROM Manager by CWM, the device is not compatible.

I will keep on doing some research, but if any of you have ideas regarding my current challenge, I would be very happy if you could help me.


Okay, this is what I have found so far:


-Google Play
-Additional Storage Capacity


-Google Play

-To get Google Play the easiest and fastest way is to root the tablet, I have used the Root option on my first post to do this, now my tablet is rooted and is working seamlessly. I got confident about rooting since I found out that I can un-root the tablet if need be.

-Additional Storage Capacity

-Research has brought mo to this :

I am still not sure if this will work with my tablet so I am doing a bit of research. I am also doing some research for creating a nandroid backup since when I tried the ROM Manager by CWM, the device is not compatible.

I will keep on doing some research, but if any of you have ideas regarding my current challenge, I would be very happy if you could help me.


It looks like you are doing great. You have Vampirefo's thread for root and gapps. For making a backup, check out this thread:

Requesting Firmware Dumps from Coby Generation 3 Devices

As far as a nandroid backup, so far there is no cw recovery for your tablet. keep checking the thread on 703x recovery progress. Not to worry, your firmware dump will allow you to restore, just not as quicly as with cw recovery. But be careful when modifying you tablet. without the simple nandroid backup, restoring can be a pain.

Do the backup first.
Thanks for the help man!

It's too bad that there is no CWM recovery for my tablet. I have subscribed to the recovery progress thread on 703x :

I think the system dump would be the best way for me if in case I would need to restore my tablet, although I would still need to research further on this one just to be sure I can follow the instructions. I don't have any technical background so I am doing tons of research before I make even a small change on the gadget. I am also reposting links on my posts just in case people with similar tablet and technical levels as me won't have much of a problem following the information trail.

Thanks again and I will keep you updated!
I don't have any technical background so I am doing tons of research before I make even a small change on the gadget. I am also reposting links on my posts just in case people with similar tablet and technical levels as me won't have much of a problem following the information trail.

This great, I like to see people taking their time, planning a recovery method, before a disaster happens. Very few people do any research at all, they just start modifying their tablets, without making backups or even knowing what type of tablets they have. If people made backups they can be restored, even if at the time the backup were made there is no restore method, it will be found in time, but if no backup was made in the first place, than it wont matter cause most people have nothing to restore when the method is found, cause they didn't make a backup to begin with.
I recently purchased this for my daughter for Christmas. I need help in installing Google Play. I can't find anything that will work. PLEASE help!! You can private message me with detailed instructions. I would really appreciate the help. Thank you!
Hey Suede - I just purchased a MID7036 and basically following along - appreciate your entry posts and sharing your progress. I am new to tablets and rooting..but not new to MOD'ing...Wii's Playstations and everything in-between. Hope to partner with you on the journey
Suede, curious if the vamp root process produces a sys dump for backup\restore before rooting or is there a seperate process to follow. Been searching around and unable to find sys dump procedure in the forum for 7036 I said....I have not rooted..maybe it occurs during root process
Ok I should have listened. I believe I've been following these threads for rooting my 7036. Installing google play was easy. I found a good rooting website, saved the file to my ad and booted from it fine. When I started editing the file for swapping the internal and sd card memory somewhere I made a mistake. Prolly should have made a backup but my tablet will not boot past the android loading sign unless I connect it via USB to a PC. And then when I disconnect it the tablet goes back to the android loading screen. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.
Anyway i can use a stock recovery rom from another 7036? sry kinda new to this. I installed 99% of everything correctly, but when i edited the file for swapping the internal and external memory my tablet rebooted and will not go past the ANDROID loading screen unless connecting to a PC via usb, and goes back when disconnected. maybe i just need a recovery rom i dunno. and assistance would be appreciated.
hi i have android 4.0.3 ics coby kyros mid8048-8 wifi after a factory reset i have lost my wifi button can anyone help me?i thing i delete some wifi drivers from the system.​
