Coby Kyros MID7127 Mistaking Internal Memory for SD Card Memory.


Dec 5, 2011
My Kyros is mistaking my 4gb of internal storage for my SD Card. I have a 32gb micro SD card so this is very frustrating that everything is being saved to the internal storage instead of the SD card....Anyone know how to fix this problem?
your kyros does not mistaking about your internal memory card as sd card, u need the link2sd apps so u can transfer your apps to the external microsd. but u need root access to do this.
It's by design: internal user space is called "sdcard" while the external microSD is actually a sub-folder of "sdcard". The only way to change it is using a custom firmware with another partition scheme or space mapping. Link2SD can help, because it will allow you to move apps to the external microSD. It requires rooting and a second partition on the microSD.
I am already rooted and I am currently using AndroidAssistant to move my Apps (It was suggested by a member of this forum).
Then, if you wanna use Link2SD, install it and follow the instructions about how to partition your external microSD and use it.