Connecting a tablet to my MacBook


Jan 11, 2012
I tried to connect my 10" SuperPad Android 2.2 tablet to my MacBook (usb to usb), hoping my computer would read it like an external drive. Got nothing. Is there another connection I'm supposed to use? There is one port identified as RJ-45, and it looks like it would take the yellow cord I use on my wireless router, but that doesn't make sense to me. Any help would be appreciated.
I don't have a 2.2 tablet handy, but some require that you enble USB mode deliberately.

Plug it in again to your Macbook. Go to the home screen and pull the menu bar from the top of the screen. Do you see an option that mentions USB? Click it.
Some tablets work like Nate said: they will display an icon on the notification bar that you must click to enable Storage Mode (internal/external storage will be read by computer as thumb drives). Others require that you start the tablet holding some key to enable it (these usually don't allow you to alternate between USB Device and Host mode via Settings). The user manual should provide this info, or at least manufacturer's support site.
Thanks for your replies. I tried both suggestions, but there is nothing on the notification bar, and my tablet came with no operating instructions. I looked on the internet for support documentation for this tablet, and came up with nothing. This forum has been the most helpful resource by far! Here is my device info: Model# DISCO10; Android Version: 2.2-20110803; Kernel version: zjd@dtlinuxserver#52; Build#: FRF85B. Perhaps that info will help you direct me to support info. I appreciate your help very much!