Connecting Tablet to TV

Jan 19, 2013
Hi all i live in turkey, i need some help with connecing my HI-LEVEL HLV-T701 tablet to my phillips hd tv. i have pluged my cable in the HDMI socket on my tablet and the other end in the HDMI 1 on my tv, changed the tv channel to HDMI 1 but it comes up saying no signal. is there something i need to download on to my tablet before i can watch streaming tv. please help before i throw this tablet on the floor and jump all over it, also can you try and make any answers pretty simple because i am a bit of a retard, or so my wife says. i may end up killing her one day and finding some nice turkish woman. thanks.
Welcome. Sorry you want to stomp your tablet but some versions of Android and some hardware don't work well with some TVs. You have done what you can do and there is nothing you could download unless it was a newer version of Android. There is also the possibility that the cable is faulty. See if you can find another TV to try it on.
I to have the same issue I was using and adapter that went from mini to reglar hdmi, Plugged the tablet in t my vizio hdmi and got the same no signal, I then plugh the tablet in to a panasonic 27 " tv and displayd a movie went to hdmi and got the same no signal. Is there a way to test the output of the hdmi on a Superpad 7 tablet?
In part I have the same answer, try another cable. But also be aware that some tablets don't set the TV input automatically so it may require that you set the input on the TV using the remote.That's about all I can suggest.
My tablet also won't connect to my TV directly, it's not supposed to! However, using UPnPlay I can use the wireless/ethernet network in my house to play movies/videos on one desktop computer with the output sent to the TV (Samsung Smart TV) down the ethernet! Works fantastically well, so long as you leave the tablet on .. took me a while to realise when i turned the tablet off, the film soon followed suit!