Copying pics from laptop to Tab


Mar 5, 2011
I just got a Verizon Galaxy Tab so I'm learning. I have all my pics in separate folders on my laptop. I used Verizon's VCAST Media Manager to copy pics to the Tab from my laptop. The copy put all pics in one folder in Gallery with no regard to the folders I had on laptop. I deleted all pics from the Tab but there is still one folder showing in Gallery but it's not viewable using VCAST. ahhhggg. What's the trick to setting up folders and putting proper pics in each one?

Update - I found My Files and figured how to create a new folder. Copied pics from Laptop via VCAST. Cut pasted the pics from main Picture folder into new one. Burdensome. gotta be better way :)
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bought an acer iconia a500 May 2011 because I thought it would be compatible with my droidx phone which I love. Still am not able to figure out how to transfer pics from droidx to tablet. At first I thought and was told by Best Buy people thatvit was becquse I needed an sd card so I inserted an sd card. still unable , so I read some threads here and downloaded a couple of apps, one a usm watcher. I have a vcast media manger cable that connects droi to tablet and I think I should be able to just plug them in and transfer. Apparently it's not that easy. I can download from emails, but vcast is supposed to make it easier, I think. I also would like to organize in folders but I'm not there yet. I don't see a way for the future. I'm about ready to trade this acer in for an ipad. Please help, I'm totally frustrated!
Do you think your droid x will plug into an ipad?

Being a super moderator you would think you would have more couth! The guy needs help not a smart ass. And whats the difference if you plug your phone in and it doesn't communicate what good is it. i could use the same help. Thanks
Seems to me BT or a wifi file transfer program would do the trick, although for transfering photos I've taken with my phone I usually use Dropbox or - upload and I have access from almost any machine anywhere.

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With my LG phone I had before, I could take the sd card full of pics out of the phone and put in inside my tablet and see the pics there and then store them. Didn't try with my new phone yet, I'm actually happy with Picasa now.

Samsung Galaxy Note
Please delete my message. No one answered it and I keep getting emails saying someone replied but when I come here I see replies not even remotely related. Thanks.