Cracked Glass Cover


Jan 30, 2013
Hello All!
I accidentally cracked the screen on my tablet. It is cracked pretty bad, but it still works fine. I checked, and the actual screen(digitizer) is fine, its just the glass covering on the outside that is cracked. I have so far been unsuccessful finding a repair option, so my question is, would it still work if I just removed the glass altogether? The screen is capacitive.
Hmm there may be some home-brew methods to fix these but I would check with the service center or.... pull it off see what happens?
I hate to remove the glass without knowing whether it will still work or not. Right now it still works great, and if I removed the glass and it didn't work, I'd be kicking myself for months. What home brew methods are you talking about?
I definitely would not try any homebrew methods. Try to find a repair facility for the brand of tablet that you have.