Cracked Screen + No touch response


Oct 5, 2012
Joined the Nexus 7 party. Had fun. Screen cracked under normal usage. :(

Here are some screenshots:

The tablet was protected in a case and I did not drop or hit anything with it. I just took it out of my bag this morning (was fine 50 minutes ago) and the cracks were there.

Any ideas on why it cracked? My best guess is that it was pressure caused. But since it was well protected in the bag, i don't see how it could have happened.

It looks like the cracks are near the screws of the tablet. Could it be that the screen was over-tightened so much that normal pressure caused it to crack? Or is it something else.

Any opinions would be appreciated!

P.S. Bought it in Hong Kong @ a well known electronics store. Couldn't get on the phone with the manufacturer yet... might have to send an email. Any recommendations?
looks like stress fracture, most likely caused by bending the tablet, your tablet was held tight in place while something pushed on one side causing the a stress fracture.
looks like stress fracture, most likely caused by bending the tablet, your tablet was held tight in place while something pushed on one side causing the a stress fracture.

Oh... This would explain it well. Never thought it. :/

Thanks for the input!

I too bought the Google Nexus 7 Tablet on e-bay thru a USA supplier at the launch.
After working for 2 months, a crack appeared at the same place as shown
in the above pix. The Tablet was on the table and was playing a game called
Max Payne. Have been trying to contact google/nexus without success. Can anybody
help me of getting a replacement touch screen. The unit is in order working order but
no touch response.