Craig CMP738B


Dec 13, 2011
Was picking up a RX at Riteaid saw the sale, with my points from their wellness plan paid $95.00
All the experts in the family (son works at BB, DIL has IPHONE and IPAD) told me to take it back its junk.
Got it home connect to my wireless network (cisco router, RR Internet) easy, set my emal.
Took a little time to figure out the sign up for the market but one I did I got some quick free things Angry birds etc..
just to test the process (this is my first Android device I don't even have a smart phone) got the NETFLIX app.
I was debating for months I looked at everything I didn't want to spend $499 for another toy, I don't travel for work, its just nice to have a small device for mail, facebook for the wife, quick look up on the web and the occasional game/video when you have the grandkids at a restaurant (that has wifi) and their bored or acting up they have something to watch.

Not sure if I was Lucky but so far no issues, last night I downloaded an free app to monitor the battery but it seems to me a lot of the stuff preloaded is good enough to get the job done.
I did load the SKYPE app couldn't login though and I am serching the web looking at different things with google voice and Skype as I am supposed to visit my uncle in Italy next month and I was thinking of taking this instead of my netbook.
Only real issue is the 90day warranty.
One other thing I have Magic Jack for my home phone and this tablet has a full USB port. I plan to test the doogle on the tablet if that works I may just bring it with me to Italy and forget about skype and google voice.
I got the Craig CMP736B and it seems surprisingly slow. Like playing Angry birds it takes multiple seconds for the bird to make it across the screen, for the screen to scroll, and so on. I see people with YouTube videos for this device and they all seem to move like my android phone does, but not my tablet. Is there a setting I am missing here or something like that? Any suggestions would be appreciated. Since it is a fast processor like the phone, I would expect similar functionality.