- Jan 31, 2013
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I am making this custom rom because I have seen many requests for one. I will be updating this fairly often although I have my hands full with school. I'm only 16 so please don't be disrespectful about it a problem with the rom or an error as I am still learning. If you would like to see an app integrated into the rom or have a problem/error, contact me at hellegaard1@gmail.com about it. As i am still learning I would very appreciate help in development of this rom too.
This rom will be released right here in a few days when I'm done making finishing touches.
CMP741e Custom Rom "Hell Guardian v1"
Stripped Rom of:
Phone related apps and services
Stock Marketplaces
Stock Social apps (Facebook, twitter, etc.)
Default Browser
Other Minor services.
Integrated Into Rom:
Android Tuner
Sysctl Config
Wifi Booster
Google Play Store w/ Cracked License Verification Library
Lucky Patcher
DX Battery Saver
DX Toolbox
Busybox Pro
Aptoide App Store
Dolphin Browser
Beats Audio
PowerAMP Music Player
Updated Services:
Default Keyboard
CWM Recovery
Install-recovery & recovery.img into /system/bin
Replaced Stock /system/bin/recovery command with new recovery command, as the stock would not boot into installed recovery when using in terminal.
Custom Build.prop
If anybody would like to help find a newer compatible CWM Recovery please do.
Working CWM Recovery version:
Non-working CWM Recovery version:
Persisting Problems:
Command "reboot recovery" won't reboot into installed recovery but only reboot. (To boot into recovery mode use command "recovery" in terminal with su permissions)
Help: If Anybody can help with the following it'd be appreciated.
Is creating a key combo to boot into recovery possible? It seems This Tablet doesn't have a key combo to boot into recovery. Have to boot into recovery from terminal.
Create a flashable .img file from a CWM Backup.
What Command does Titanium Backup use to reboot into recovery? Rom Manager?
This rom will be released right here in a few days when I'm done making finishing touches.
CMP741e Custom Rom "Hell Guardian v1"
Stripped Rom of:
Phone related apps and services
Stock Marketplaces
Stock Social apps (Facebook, twitter, etc.)
Default Browser
Other Minor services.
Integrated Into Rom:
Android Tuner
Sysctl Config
Wifi Booster
Google Play Store w/ Cracked License Verification Library
Lucky Patcher
DX Battery Saver
DX Toolbox
Busybox Pro
Aptoide App Store
Dolphin Browser
Beats Audio
PowerAMP Music Player
Updated Services:
Default Keyboard
CWM Recovery
Install-recovery & recovery.img into /system/bin
Replaced Stock /system/bin/recovery command with new recovery command, as the stock would not boot into installed recovery when using in terminal.
Custom Build.prop
If anybody would like to help find a newer compatible CWM Recovery please do.
Working CWM Recovery version:
Non-working CWM Recovery version:
Persisting Problems:
Command "reboot recovery" won't reboot into installed recovery but only reboot. (To boot into recovery mode use command "recovery" in terminal with su permissions)
Help: If Anybody can help with the following it'd be appreciated.
Is creating a key combo to boot into recovery possible? It seems This Tablet doesn't have a key combo to boot into recovery. Have to boot into recovery from terminal.
Create a flashable .img file from a CWM Backup.
What Command does Titanium Backup use to reboot into recovery? Rom Manager?