Craig CMP741e Custom Rom Releasing Soon


Jan 31, 2013
I am making this custom rom because I have seen many requests for one. I will be updating this fairly often although I have my hands full with school. I'm only 16 so please don't be disrespectful about it a problem with the rom or an error as I am still learning. If you would like to see an app integrated into the rom or have a problem/error, contact me at about it. As i am still learning I would very appreciate help in development of this rom too.

This rom will be released right here in a few days when I'm done making finishing touches.

CMP741e Custom Rom "Hell Guardian v1"

Stripped Rom of:
Phone related apps and services
Stock Marketplaces
Stock Social apps (Facebook, twitter, etc.)
Default Browser
Other Minor services.

Integrated Into Rom:
Android Tuner
Sysctl Config
Wifi Booster
Google Play Store w/ Cracked License Verification Library
Lucky Patcher
DX Battery Saver
DX Toolbox
Busybox Pro
Aptoide App Store
Dolphin Browser
Beats Audio
PowerAMP Music Player

Updated Services:
Default Keyboard

CWM Recovery
Install-recovery & recovery.img into /system/bin
Replaced Stock /system/bin/recovery command with new recovery command, as the stock would not boot into installed recovery when using in terminal.
Custom Build.prop

If anybody would like to help find a newer compatible CWM Recovery please do.

Working CWM Recovery version:

Non-working CWM Recovery version:

Persisting Problems:
Command "reboot recovery" won't reboot into installed recovery but only reboot. (To boot into recovery mode use command "recovery" in terminal with su permissions)

Help: If Anybody can help with the following it'd be appreciated.

Is creating a key combo to boot into recovery possible? It seems This Tablet doesn't have a key combo to boot into recovery. Have to boot into recovery from terminal.

Create a flashable .img file from a CWM Backup.

What Command does Titanium Backup use to reboot into recovery? Rom Manager?
The only suggestion I can recommend would be flashing recovery to /dev/block/nandc (where the kernel should go) and the kernel to /dev/block/nandg (recovery partition). CWM isn't able to properly boot between partitions either, but it should be easy to modify following From there, we could set a first menu option of booting device. This way, you first load CWM, and then press power again in CWM to boot android.
Sounds great, I subscribed to this thread so Ill keep an eye on it!
I am making this custom rom because I have seen many requests for one. I will be updating this fairly often although I have my hands full with school. I'm only 16 so please don't be disrespectful about it a problem with the rom or an error as I am still learning. If you would like to see an app integrated into the rom or have a problem/error, contact me at about it. As i am still learning I would very appreciate help in development of this rom too.

This rom will be released right here in a few days when I'm done making finishing touches.

CMP741e Custom Rom "Hell Guardian v1"

Stripped Rom of:
Phone related apps and services
Stock Marketplaces
Stock Social apps (Facebook, twitter, etc.)
Default Browser
Other Minor services.

Integrated Into Rom:
Android Tuner
Sysctl Config
Wifi Booster
Google Play Store w/ Cracked License Verification Library
Lucky Patcher
DX Battery Saver
DX Toolbox
Busybox Pro
Aptoide App Store
Dolphin Browser
Beats Audio
PowerAMP Music Player

Updated Services:
Default Keyboard

CWM Recovery
Install-recovery & recovery.img into /system/bin
Replaced Stock /system/bin/recovery command with new recovery command, as the stock would not boot into installed recovery when using in terminal.
Custom Build.prop

If anybody would like to help find a newer compatible CWM Recovery please do.

Working CWM Recovery version:

Non-working CWM Recovery version:

Persisting Problems:
Command "reboot recovery" won't reboot into installed recovery but only reboot. (To boot into recovery mode use command "recovery" in terminal with su permissions)

Help: If Anybody can help with the following it'd be appreciated.

Is creating a key combo to boot into recovery possible? It seems This Tablet doesn't have a key combo to boot into recovery. Have to boot into recovery from terminal.

Create a flashable .img file from a CWM Backup.

What Command does Titanium Backup use to reboot into recovery? Rom Manager?
Can you tell me the battery life of the new rom in this tablet? I am trying to get the best of the stock rom, and I am getting 4.5 hours of constant wifi usage which is not bad, but not great.

In stock rom, under battery usage setting, Cell Standby uses up more than 70% of the battery time. Can you fix it? There is a fix out there but it fixes only the way they report the percentage. And I am wondering whether cell standby is really using all these battery or it's just a reporting issue.

Is this a jelly bean release?

And in stock rom, it seems that battery drains at least 10% in first 15 minutes after it wakes up from sleep overnight. Do you know why? If so, does it happens in the new rom?
battery life is about the same 4.5 hours.

it reports it because of the phone related services installed in the stock rom which will never be used so i removed it.

no still ics

the battery sounds like it needs to be calibrated. you can fix it with a battery calibration app or in cwm recovery.
Why not use jelly bean?

I already used an app to calibrate the battery couple times. Before calibration, I got around 3 hours of battery life.

So the phone related services should never affect the battery life, right? since it's not used. I worried that the software would just constantly looks for signal when there is no cell transmitter.

battery life is about the same 4.5 hours.

it reports it because of the phone related services installed in the stock rom which will never be used so i removed it.

no still ics

the battery sounds like it needs to be calibrated. you can fix it with a battery calibration app or in cwm recovery.