Craig CMP741E Firmware Restore Issues


Jan 8, 2013
Good Evening Everyone!

I'm sure that this is probably a redundant post, but I am desperately seeking help.

I have the Craig CMP741e. Simply put, followed the instructions through the manufacturer to do a firmware restore. Stuck on Android logo after restore.

Any suggestions? I don't mind any alternate methods to restore, as I just want to (hopefully) get it working again.

What could I have done wrong? Is there any other method I can restore Android OS to it.

Any assistance would be hugely appreciated by me.


The utility "pheonixCard" supplied by the manufacturer with the 4.0 image in a rar file writes a non-stadard (android recovery boot?) partition scheme which I tried to fix one of my rooted 741's which was reporting "0.0B" under "memory storage" in the Settings/storage menu. This was after installing and testing ssh, web, smb and a few other servers on my rooted tab -- when I turned in on the next day it booted into the "welcome to android" ... let's set up your tablet , lost all execpt the built-in apps and reported 0.0 Bytes of memory as stated above. So, I went to the craig site, downloaded their rar file with the pheonixCard util and the 4.0 restore image which they provide in a rar, followed their instructions, and "poof" I'm stuch at the green android logo screen before the "android" (letters on black background) screen. I went ahead and formatted the card with windows and stuck it into my second tablet (which it was the external card before I started the fix for the other tablet), and after doing a restart IT BOOTED FROM THE CARD AND FLASHED THE (NON-WORKING) CRAIG WEBSITE 4.0 IMAGE OVER MY WORKING TABLET -- Turning it also into a green-android logo single-image-digital-pictureframe like the first (bad) one. BEWARE: you must go back into the pheonixCard utility and remove the hidden non-standard boot format on the card, just formatting in win7 doesn't remove its ability to brick your other tabs!!!.

I left a message on the craig website regarding this, but since the utility and instructions are written in chinenglish and the website looks like it was put together by a 5th grader marketing student, I hold little hope that they will either address the problem or post the correct restore image (they are probably just re-marketing and labeling someone else's hardware, so if anyone has another idea/source for a working restore image ....).

Bottom line: Do not use the craig website restore/ICS/4.0 utility and image, it will lock up your device.
The Craig website restore image locks up a cmp741e on the initial boot spash screen (as stated above).

You can restore with a generic image from the "gooseberry" project

Gooseberry A721 ROM: Downloads | Gooseberry- An alternative to Raspberry Pi

which will allow you to boot but you will NOT have any touchscreen (you have to attach a mouse for input) but from there can enable usb debugging, root it again, etc. but...

I need a method of getting the touchscreen driver back or installing a stock, or backup image of craig cmp741e rom. to flash the gooseberry rom I used the craig website PheonixCard util which takes a ".img" image file and makes the microsd card into a special restore boot device.

There does not seem to be any button combo on boot to put the device into restore mode, the one working pad I had now shows "0.0B" under "memory storage" in the Settings/storage menu after rebooting using: (power and volume buttons pressed for 3 seconds, release power and hold volume for 1 more then release. ) I don't know if this tab croaked because of the key combo or because of the "titanium backup" and 3 other rom backup apps I tried to install/use (to make a backup of a good tab to flash onto my 2 non-working ones).

now I have 3 tabs without touchscreen support (but can use mouse -- but is the same port needed to charge the tabs) so basically they are not useful tablets until i can get a working touchscreen driver back.

Any thoughts? how do you install one driver file? where is it? I know they have to be from same kernel versions but don't know what the original one was for the cmp741e out-of-the box (ICS 403 ) If anyone gets through to Craig or gets their hands on a WORKING restore image, PLEASE post where we can get our hands on it.

As I'm quite new to the android scene (but a bsd/linux person since the start) it seems from what I'm reading is that the AllWinner A10 tablets (which this is) and ICS are a substantial departure in the way that flash/restore and buttons work compared to previous gingerbread (2.x) phones and tabs. If anyone knows of good reading/info sources for this, please point them out.

cheers, and thanks,
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Craig Technical support pointed me to an alternate firmware that DOES work in the CMP741e.

My version of the CMP741e failed with the website posted version, but worked with this one:

Note, it reboots 3 or 4 times after the install and seems to fail.

The first time it runs, it crashes like crazy (Unfortunately, <process name> has stopped.), but rebooting after that fixes it!

My unit is a CMP741e FCC id AQF-RA-WN11087A manufactured July 2012.

The support rep specifically said:
If you had the special edition black box it may cause a slight issue with the reinstallation we have a cleaner firmware in case that the first one fails , this firmware which I&#8217;ll be providing the link

That link is above.
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Good Evening Everyone!

I'm sure that this is probably a redundant post, but I am desperately seeking help.

I have the Craig CMP741e. Simply put, followed the instructions through the manufacturer to do a firmware restore. Stuck on Android logo after restore.

Any suggestions? I don't mind any alternate methods to restore, as I just want to (hopefully) get it working again.

What could I have done wrong? Is there any other method I can restore Android OS to it.

Any assistance would be hugely appreciated by me.



Re: Solution: CMP741e Table/Brick/Lockout

First post here after having read, oh, at least 80 per cent of the posts centering on Craig Electronic's CMP741e tablet locking up and the incredible amount of effort so very many of this forum's members put forth to assist we, the ignorant. UNIX? Debian? Flash? Root? Red Hat? Yes, as a kid I had several red hats, I had wanted a red sled but my dad gave it to Orson Wells instead ... and, even though my first (of many) computers was a Trash-80 my path in life since then left little time for such studious pursuits.
So KUDOS to you helpful, kind spirited souls: Thank you so very much for your kind services.

What worked for me was one of the many suggestions that I had skimmed over, while looking for a magic jelly bean that I could take, before bed time, waking up in the morning, fluent in the language that would allow me to avoid the extended, multi-decade learning curve most normal people could not, did not. My subconcious kept poking me until I was 'forced' to try SOMETHING, as anything had a much greater chance of working than doing nothing.

Here's what I did (leaving out most of the things I tried that didn't work):
I zeroed in on the firmware and the image file, sittin and a rockin for a bit after I had found another copy of the PhenoixCard software (the first one uu-zipped with 14 fewer files (mostly .fex extention, both version 3.06) than the other although sum quanntity and size of the .dll files were the same. AND after after I had unlocked the write-protection on the mni-sd carrier... Sittin and a rockin...

Many had suggested "hold this button down with this other button and if that didn't work, try the same with the other buttons while gently nudging the reset thingy with a paperclip. Since my cousin is the only person I know with four arms I asked him to do that part... and here's the part that I had missed, paraphrasing the additional comment: try putting a few files on the mini-sd card, AFTER the burn (I know, I know) so, instead of sending the tablet off to the reclamation peeps, I put the min-sd in an LG C720 cell phone, took a few pictures, put it in the tablet, and got the same Android bugger on the screen, as usual.

HOWEVER, as I was putting the tablet down on the coffee table a clock appeared and, my amazement, the rest was not far behind.. No problem with the touch screen either: It's been working fine since then.

I cannot say that this will work for another single person on this planet but hey, since I couldn't find a magic jelly bean and I couldn't justify a twenty year learning curve to fix a $30 tablet, I had little to lose...

You'll pardon me, I hope, if this post is bereft of any kind words directed toward Craig Electronics. There are very, very few acceptable excuses (even John Belushi's famous rant would count for nought) that would ameliorate the aggreegate anger of all those affected by this situation

Other keywords:
=card preprocess failed 1012 mini sd card

CMP741e firmware_update/android4.0/cmp741e firmware_cleaner
=card preprocess failed 1012 mini sd card

CMP741e firmware cleaner androidtablets forrum cmp741e nandroid backup RootThat-ICS Gapps option

Craig CMP741e Boot Zip
The touch screen driver is zet6221.ko
Using phoenixcard and the img file here I was able to get to stock easily:

Anyone have the 3.0.62 compatibility zip from spok1104? Looks like his original link is dead

Re: Solution: CMP741e Table/Brick/Lockout

First post here after having read, oh, at least 80 per cent of the posts centering on Craig Electronic's CMP741e tablet locking up and the incredible amount of effort so very many of this forum's members put forth to assist we, the ignorant. UNIX? Debian? Flash? Root? Red Hat? Yes, as a kid I had several red hats, I had wanted a red sled but my dad gave it to Orson Wells instead ... and, even though my first (of many) computers was a Trash-80 my path in life since then left little time for such studious pursuits.
So KUDOS to you helpful, kind spirited souls: Thank you so very much for your kind services.

What worked for me was one of the many suggestions that I had skimmed over, while looking for a magic jelly bean that I could take, before bed time, waking up in the morning, fluent in the language that would allow me to avoid the extended, multi-decade learning curve most normal people could not, did not. My subconcious kept poking me until I was 'forced' to try SOMETHING, as anything had a much greater chance of working than doing nothing.

Here's what I did (leaving out most of the things I tried that didn't work):
I zeroed in on the firmware and the image file, sittin and a rockin for a bit after I had found another copy of the PhenoixCard software (the first one uu-zipped with 14 fewer files (mostly .fex extention, both version 3.06) than the other although sum quanntity and size of the .dll files were the same. AND after after I had unlocked the write-protection on the mni-sd carrier... Sittin and a rockin...

Many had suggested "hold this button down with this other button and if that didn't work, try the same with the other buttons while gently nudging the reset thingy with a paperclip. Since my cousin is the only person I know with four arms I asked him to do that part... and here's the part that I had missed, paraphrasing the additional comment: try putting a few files on the mini-sd card, AFTER the burn (I know, I know) so, instead of sending the tablet off to the reclamation peeps, I put the min-sd in an LG C720 cell phone, took a few pictures, put it in the tablet, and got the same Android bugger on the screen, as usual.

HOWEVER, as I was putting the tablet down on the coffee table a clock appeared and, my amazement, the rest was not far behind.. No problem with the touch screen either: It's been working fine since then.

I cannot say that this will work for another single person on this planet but hey, since I couldn't find a magic jelly bean and I couldn't justify a twenty year learning curve to fix a $30 tablet, I had little to lose...

You'll pardon me, I hope, if this post is bereft of any kind words directed toward Craig Electronics. There are very, very few acceptable excuses (even John Belushi's famous rant would count for nought) that would ameliorate the aggreegate anger of all those affected by this situation

Other keywords:
=card preprocess failed 1012 mini sd card

CMP741e firmware_update/android4.0/cmp741e firmware_cleaner
=card preprocess failed 1012 mini sd card

CMP741e firmware cleaner androidtablets forrum cmp741e nandroid backup RootThat-ICS Gapps option

Craig CMP741e Boot Zip
The touch screen driver is zet6221.ko
I used the firmware from Craig,s website. The PheonixCard program could not see my card reader slots. I put the micro SD into a USB adapter and PheonixCard saw it. Everything then worked fine for installing the firmware img file on the Tablet.