Critical Error Copying Files From Device


Senior Member
Feb 5, 2011
Lately, I have been getting a LOT or critical errors when copying files from the Nexus 7-2013.

Firstly, the PC has a hard time keeping the USB connection to the device going. It will disconnect itself, then reconnect, disconnect, and so on. IF I can get a stable connection, I can copy some files to the device, but if I try to create a new folder via the PC, it will crash, and when I reconnect, I will see 2 "New Folder."

I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the driver, but there isn't a better driver than the one that installed when the device was first connected, and so the problem still exists. I also plug the USB cable into a primary USB port of the PC, and not through a hub, like I will use for a flash drive.

I'm starting to thing the USB connector on the tablet is going bad...
Windows 10 acts wonky with some devices. For example, my old HTC Inspire would not keep a stable connection in fastboot mode until I modified a registry key. Now, my Nexus 6 has no issue with Windows 10. Are you positive you're using the latest driver from Google's developer pages?
You need to make sure the USB debugging is enabled, or you will only get basic access to the memory, and copying files will be problematic.
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