curious and teachable


Nov 16, 2012
;) Hello finally a site I can Connect to, I got three android products android avail phone which I bought to tether off of and oops not if you have prepaid.Misleading i do think but im gonna tether yet, have a tablet panimage wmt 2.1.7_pd_r
alsoi have a Intel atom NZ600. have a hp compaq presario, seems like i keep getting a smaller pc im inquirining about the tablet when i got yhe intel i quit playing with tablet DDont remember pattern code keeps letting me put one in and it will give me seconds and let me 5 more times help me im irritated help :eek:
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Hi Debrak,I didn't understand what kind of help you need but nerveless welcome to the forum!:)
Hi Debrak, welcome to the forum. I'm moving your thread to the Android Tablet Q&A section for you, where more people are likely to join the discussion and try to help you solve that forgotten pattern code problem. Good luck!