Custom ROMs for Rockchip based Tablets?


Dec 9, 2011
I am new to this forum. It looks like a lot of expertise is here, so I am hoping for some help.

I bought 2 new foreign tablets and I would like to modify them with a 'local' Android Rom version. They also do not have access to the normal Android Market and I would like that fixed. I assume it would be with a custom rom.

I have included the specs below:

Tablet 1:
Momo8 Ployer by Shenzhen Ployer Electronics
8" MID tablet running Android 2.3.1 (Chinese version), Kernel, Build # rk29_gingerbread_v1.28
-Resolution 1024x768
-CPU Rockchip 2918 @ 1.2Ghz, Cortex A8, Vivante GC800 3D chip
-512Mb Ram, 8GB Nand Flash
-.3MP front camera, 2MP rear camera
-802.11 b/g wifi

Tablet 2:
M10 Meiying
8" tablet running Android 2.3.1 (Chinese version), Kernel, Build # rk29_gingerbread_v2.10.00
-Resolution 800x600
-CPU ARM Cortex A8-1.2GHz-Dual-core,3D hardware acceleration
-512Mb Ram, 8GB Nand Flash
-.3MP front camera, no back camera
-802.11 b/g/n wifi

I have located the universal uberoid custom rom app, but it doesn't look like it will work. It is for wm8650 chips and mine are rockchip. Is there one for rockchip?

Thanks all.

Hi I have a Newsmy Newpad T7,
That is a RK2918 with 7", I bought it from China, this runs Android ICS 4.0.3

I Made a custom Android ICS 4.0.3 ROM, with some changes:

Applied to Official Newsmy FW: 20120307K7T7M7N18zhengshiban4.0ruanjian.rar

1- Internal Storage from 512MB to 2GB
2- Removed chinese keyboard, and added Xoom 4.0.4 keyboard
3- Google Play Music 2, App
4- Rooted with Superuser.apk and hacked su binary
5- Removed some ringtones, notifications for more space on /system
6- Removed all chinese market apps, more space
7- Default language as en/US
8- Default timezone as America/Sao_Paulo GMT -3 (Amazon Time, my timezone :p)
9- Titanium Backup as system app
10- Gtalk with vídeo suporte as system app
11- keep ApkInstaller, rk29 DeviceTester
12- added Dev Tools,
13- Swapped External SD and Internal SD mount points. (now using a 32GB SD as internal SD!)
14- Added bash as sh symlink, you can have advanced shell.
15- Many changes to build.prop

ChainFire3D works nice with DeadSpace (Qualcomm) and Riptide (Tegra)
Netflix not working, don't know if it is a network issue here.
Hey man, hows your progress going with your M10? I have the exact same one and I'm trying to gain root access and fix the market and such. Can you email me pretty please if you have made any advancements? were you able to use that dudes rom? Do you know how to get into the recovery? Have you flashed a new recovery? any advice would help man. THANK YOU VERY VERY VERY VERY MUCH!!!!
Hey man, hows your progress going with your M10? I have the exact same one and I'm trying to gain root access and fix the market and such. Can you email me pretty please if you have made any advancements? were you able to use that dudes rom? Do you know how to get into the recovery? Have you flashed a new recovery? any advice would help man. THANK YOU VERY VERY VERY VERY MUCH!!!!
Hey man, hows your progress going with your M10? I have the exact same one and I'm trying to gain root access and fix the market and such. Can you email me pretty please if you have made any advancements? were you able to use that dudes rom? Do you know how to get into the recovery? Have you flashed a new recovery? any advice would help man. THANK YOU VERY VERY VERY VERY MUCH!!!!
How'd you boot into a recovery with your t7? Because I have the meiying m10 and it has almost the exact same specs as your t7. Even when I boot the device holding menu+power I see chinese ****, then a big newsmy logo. Then it just pops up the andoid with the exclamation point/red triangle. I'm stuck man.
Nice work on the custom rom... but how did you root your device?
Android ICS cant be rooted using a app, you need a rooted ROM, like mine...

For root any rk29xx ROM you need:
1- A copy of ROM
2- unpack ROM files
3- Add su binary, and Superuser.apk
4- repack your ROM
5- Update you tablet with your new ROM

There are some tools for pack/unpack a rk29 ROM in XDA forums...
Hey, nice work on the custom ROMS! Have you or anyone else tried flashing this ROM on the Newsmy T3? From what I can tell, they have almost exactly the same hardware.
Android ICS cant be rooted using a app, you need a rooted ROM, like mine...

For root any rk29xx ROM you need:
1- A copy of ROM
2- unpack ROM files
3- Add su binary, and Superuser.apk
4- repack your ROM
5- Update you tablet with your new ROM

There are some tools for pack/unpack a rk29 ROM in XDA forums...

Hello anunakin i flash your rom in my tab, with same chrs, rk29board, but mi tablet no turn on now, you can help me, rktool no detect it anymore any solution my tablet is hm0712c haier,

Thanks and srry my bad english