D2Pad 912 - Messed Up


Dec 2, 2013
Hi everyone, I have messed up my tablet and am hoping someone can help.

I rooted it and installed Superuser / busybody and Titanium Backup as I was trying to get google play installed.

I then uninstalled a lot of the crap that was pre loaded on it.

Now though, the internal memory is reported as 0, so nothing will install. I must have uninstalled something important. I do have a second identical tablet so I am hoping I can copy whatever i messed up, or perform a full backup on the good one and restore it to the messed up one.

I have also emailed D2Pad tech support to see if they can provide me with a recovery image, but thought I would ask on here in case its just a quick fix. I'm completely new to android and tablets so not really sure where to start.

Ok turns out I installed Busybox to the wrong dir. Tried to uninstall it and it really messed things up. I'm ok with Unix so i just used ADB this time instead of some rooting program and manually fixed everything.

Got it rooted and fully working now. Runs a lot better now with all the crap they had on it gone.

Going to look into things I can customize on it now.