Hi all! I need help, he did not do.
Come any clone LY-F1 with aliexpress, with 8 GB of memory. I flashed latest firmware and then discovered a bug - the tablet does not see the internal memory. After reboot and reset all the settings, everything. Apps not installed, but if put them in a folder via ADB /data/app, i can work with them, but before you reboot - after restarting the application disappear. By the way, not at all terminal emulator can not run, communication only through ADB. If turn off the hard reset, hold the power button for 10 seconds - the tablet does not turn on, only need to flash. Have tried 4-6 different firmware, no improvement is not the same everywhere.
I'm looking for an opportunity to reformat the internal memory of the tablet, it can help you? But to do this, I can not either, I will give my attempt:
looked inside - partitions is normally visible, but can't format it. Installation sdparted-script (because it through recavery) and reboot them of course not.

Can anybody help me? The seller refused any help return the tablet does not accept. Tablet is new, but has not worked a single day.
Thanks in advance, I would appreciate any help!
P.S. I tried go to recavery and "fix permissions", "Format sdcard" and format etc. - there is no improvement.
Come any clone LY-F1 with aliexpress, with 8 GB of memory. I flashed latest firmware and then discovered a bug - the tablet does not see the internal memory. After reboot and reset all the settings, everything. Apps not installed, but if put them in a folder via ADB /data/app, i can work with them, but before you reboot - after restarting the application disappear. By the way, not at all terminal emulator can not run, communication only through ADB. If turn off the hard reset, hold the power button for 10 seconds - the tablet does not turn on, only need to flash. Have tried 4-6 different firmware, no improvement is not the same everywhere.
I'm looking for an opportunity to reformat the internal memory of the tablet, it can help you? But to do this, I can not either, I will give my attempt:
looked inside - partitions is normally visible, but can't format it. Installation sdparted-script (because it through recavery) and reboot them of course not.
root@android:/dev/block # cat /proc/partitions
cat /proc/partitions
major minor #blocks name
93 0 16384 nanda
93 8 2048 nandb
93 16 32768 nandc
93 24 262144 nandd
93 32 1048576 nande
93 40 1024 nandf
93 48 32768 nandg
93 56 262144 nandh
93 64 131072 nandi
93 72 5730304 nandj
root@android:/dev/block # mkdosfs -F 32 /dev/block/vold/93:72/
mkdosfs -F 32 /dev/block/vold/93:72/
mkdosfs: can't open '/dev/block/vold/93:72/': Not a directory
mkdosfs: can't open '/dev/block/vold/93:32/': No such file or directory
1|root@android:/dev/block # parted /dev/block/mmcblk0
parted /dev/block/mmcblk0
sh: parted: not found
127|root@android:/dev/block #

Can anybody help me? The seller refused any help return the tablet does not accept. Tablet is new, but has not worked a single day.
Thanks in advance, I would appreciate any help!
P.S. I tried go to recavery and "fix permissions", "Format sdcard" and format etc. - there is no improvement.
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