Dead space will not work on my new tab Onda Vi40


May 23, 2011
Hi folks just like to say thanks in advance had a quick look around the forum but could not find the answer to my question, I have the Ainol Elf and down load the game Dead space which works fine also works on my HTC Wildfire s phone. Bought the Onda Vi40 running ICS 4.03 v9 it did down load fine, but when to come to play it went to down load and keeps coming up with this error message SERVER ERROR
A server error has occurred. Please visit EA Mobile Games | Mobile Games, iPhone Games, Cell Phone Games to choose your country and click customer support link. (5002). Went to the web sit could find nothing all it says is about down loading from wap onto your phone, anyone got any ideas of fixing this as I think it would be an awsom game on a big screen, thank again Nick
Damn, this is my exact problem too! Could it have something to do with the tablet still being registered or set to Chinese in some background setting?
I've also been having trouble with the 5002 error, it's been a few days since I bought it so I eventually "fixed" the problem through p2p. The irony of a customer having to resort to dodgy bittorrent downloads to be able to play the game they paid for legitimately.

So I just tried copying the file over from my Samsung i9000 but all the textures are screwed up.
I had the white textures issue. Chainfire 3D with one of the plugins sorted it out (either Nvidia or Qualcomm, can't remember).