Default mail apply settings


Aug 19, 2011
I'm using an Acer A500 and the default email app. Is there any way to tell the app to leave email on the server for xx days, rather than delete from the server when I delete it from the tab? I like to capture all email in my PC and delete from there so I have a record of the emails in my deleted items in one place rather than scattered among devices. The only way I've been able to do so is to never delete anything from the tab until I'm sure it's been captured on the Pc. What a pain! It would be way simpler if I could just tell the mail app on the tab to leave it there for a certain number of days and then delete it. I can do that (and have) on my PC with Outlook but can't see any way to do it on the Android mail app.

Is anyone doing this with a mail app?

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Actually i've been thinking about this and all I really need to be able to do is have the email app NOT delete the message on the server when I delete it on the tab, since my PC will delete the message 5 days after it retrieves it. Anyone figured out how to do that?
My solution was to switch to K-9 Mail. It's way more powerful and configurable (also way more complicated).