Defective Tablet? Refreshes when clicking a link after


Jun 22, 2012
I just got my tablet the day before yesterday and I noticed that whenever I search a website when I click the link the browser just refreshes. Sometimes this happens and sometimes this does not. I don't know if I'm not using the device properly or if I just need to exchange this one.
I had to upgrade to 2.2 when I first got it so maybe the upgrade went wrong?
I have no clue but I fail to understand how a device with the main function of surfing the web is not surfing the web.

Can someone help me figure out what to do?
That does sound a little strange. You should try a third party browser and see if that works. Many are available in the Play store including popular ones such as Dolphin, Opera and Boat. Just search browser and pick you favorite then see if you have the same issue.