Development question


Dec 8, 2010
So I tried posting this question at xdadevelopers but haven't gotten any replies. Personally, I'm kind of irritated at that forum because every question I post never gets any replies whatsoever. Anyways, hopefully someone here might have some insight into this question...
So i wrote a quick small app, a media player, real basic. It scans the internal and external storage for mp3s and you start by clicking on an artist, then click an album, then click a track and then it plays. I was able to run the app in two different emulators, and then i was able to install and run it on my Huawei s7 tablet. I then gave a copy to my two friends to load onto their phones to test out, but the app won't play on the phones. One has a motorola droid and the other has a nexus 1. They installed my app using 'apk installer' (downloaded from the market), and it seems to install fine, but it has to force close when they try to run it. The option on the phones to install non market apps is enabled. I am at a loss as to why it won't run on the phones but it will run on my tablet and emulators. I can't really think of what differences there might be between the phones and tablet, except maybe screen size...??
I installed another program on the motorola droid that i wrote and the app ran fine. The apps that i have been writing have been developed using android 1.6 and the tablet and phones are running android 2.2 so its not a versioning issue. There are no permission issues i don't think.
Anyone have any ideas or things for me to investigate to figure this out? I would appreciate any clues.
I assume you have created a signed app. I had a friend who did something similar to yours but never got the app signed. It would never install on anything but his emulator
If you want to send me a copy of your app I can take a look at it and see if I can figure anything out for you my email is in my sig

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1.- it´s signed application?
2.- insert a try/catch in onCreate and use a AlertDialog in catch to show the error.
yea i had tried to create a signed app but that didn't work as well. the other app i put on the droid ran without it being signed so that was curious. its just weird that the app runs on the tablet but not the two phones we tried. I'll try the try/catch block in the onCreate per JFer's suggestion.
so i tried putting in a try/catch block where it displays an alert dialog with the exception message. However, when i go to run the app on the droid, it never shows the alert dialog. Most of the time when i press the launcher icon, the screen flashes real quick but it just stay on the home launcher screen. Every now and then i get an force close alert saying 'Sorry! / The application blah (process blah.blah) has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again.' with a force close button. Sometimes this alert stays on the screen until i press the button and other times i can just catch a glimpse of it when the screen flashes. i've tried putting my try/catch block in a couple of different places hoping to find and catch the problem but no luck.
So any thoughts on what this means? Am i not putting the try/catch in the right place perhaps? Is it not an exception that is causing it not to run?