Directory Structure of Android


Dec 6, 2010
Hi all,
I am having android 2.2 OS tablet and I am in intrest to know about the directory structure of android OS. currently I have a mount point called SDCard which holds the data that I copy from my system to tablet. And If I Connect an external memory card it is mounted in a new mount point (SDCard2). So I can't access it with my code............... So I am keen to know what would be the actual directory setup to be there in a stock setup?

Please provide me quest regarding this !!!!!

Root your device, you should be able to see all that's is on the SD/NAND drive of the Android System, else ADB!
On my tablet:

/nand = internal memory
/sdcard = SD card storage
/scsi = USB Flash Drive (even though notification says "preparing SD card")
/scsi = USB card reader (again, will say "preparing SD card" regardless of card type)

I can only unmount USB drives by either unplugging them and ignoring the "data loss" warning or by powering down my tablet and then removing them.

But this directory structure isn't true for all tablets.
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Thanks your reply !!!!
I tried by using terminal emulator but I cant able to use ADB saying permission Denied!!!
I also cant able to view the disk available using fdisk
I am using froyo 2.2 I am having following folder structure

/sdcard = this mount point contains files that I copy using Datacable
/sdcard2= this mount point contains files available via sdcard slot porvided in tablet