Disable Flashing Notification Light?


Sep 22, 2011
Hi Everyone,

I just purchased the Sony S as my first android tablet. So far it's been a great device, but I do have one major complaint... the LED notification light comes on at night and is so bright it can keep me up. I know a simple solution is to prop its side against a wall or something, but it seems ridiculous to have to do something like that. I just want to lay it down on a nightstand and go to sleep without fear of the notification light annoying me in the night.

I've looked through the settings and not found an option to turn it off. Likewise, turning off notifications does not in fact turn off the flashing notification light.

Is there a way to turn it off without powering down the device? I do like waking up in the morning with all my email and feeds from overnight downloaded and waiting for me... I just want the stupid light not to flash.

Any solutions would be appreciated. Thanks.
mmm you can try the "Light Flow - LED Control" app the main purpose for this app is too customize your LED notifications, I haven't try that app my self but I looked at the screens and I believe there's an option to disable notifications, like by removing the check mark. You can try it and let us know if it works for your purpose.
I went and did the software upgrade tonight after buying my new Sony Tablet and I noticed the brigher green led ligth flashing as well, but only seems to come on when my screen lock time out engages.. Going to play around with things..
You can adjust via the notifications setting per each gmail account, it is a little tricky to get the settings to stick though.
I have the same problem too. I hate the idea that I have to download another app to turn it off.
There must be a better solution to this.
Lightflow doesn't work. I tried every setting but whenever I sent myself an email the light kept coming on. The only success I have had is by disabling notifications, automatic syncing and checking for emails. This is unfortunate. The light is really annoying when you wish to use the tablet as an alarm clock and the silly light comes on during the night because you have received an email. I hope Sony or Lightflow can update their app, which has great features, to can do something about this 'feature'! I have searched the Android market but there does not seem to be another app that works with the tablet. Can anyone find one?
I woud be interested to see more on this. The LED is very bright. An example is if I put the tablet down as I leave the living room, the wifi goes off as it sleeps. Fine, except an app I use for IRC disconnects (fine) and a bright red light shines out as it produces an error in the AndChat app. Annoying for any one left in the living room and unlucky to have it pointing in their direction.

I tried LightFlow, but no luck unless I am missing something.
LightFlow Lite worked perfectly for me....set for sleep mode for light and sound and voila...done. Thanks.
einsnico...lbretth...JKinSanJose...you guys are my heroes! I was about ready to take my Sony Tablet apart and disconnect that LED. Lightflow Lite is (keep fingers crossed) doing the job so far. Wonder why Sony chose to install an aircraft landing light for notification?
I simply put a piece of black plastic electricians tape across the LED and cut 90% of the light out.
This is a very annoying problem. I fixed the issue by putting two layers of masking tape over the LED. It doesn't look good but at least it doesn't light up my whole bedroom now. I still get a notification light too, just much dimmer.
I have been tearing my hair out about this one. Light flow did not work for me at all! Finally found this on the US sony site to turn off the LED

  • In the Settings screen, tap to select Developer options .
  • In the Developer options screen, in the APPS section, tap to select Background process limits to enable or disable the feature
I have given this a go and fingers crossed that it fixes the problem this time.