Hello all 
Ive been following android tablets for quite a while now, ever since a mate picked up a Q7.
Just a nod of appreciation to you all for a brilliant site with a heap of info, which I have been trawling through
Thank you all for sharing your brains 
From what Ive gathered, we are in a very rapidly changing time, in terms of tablets.
I was thinking of getting a Disgo 6000, a referb one from the bay which is advertised as running 2.2 for £55 Anyone bought one? Any feedback?
I'm not expecting miracles, just Opera browser for forums and something to cut my teeth on. Am I on the right track or is the disgo not good, or am I missing an obvious choice?
I know you guys get heaps of "is this good" threads so I'm sorry

Many thanks
Ive been following android tablets for quite a while now, ever since a mate picked up a Q7.
Just a nod of appreciation to you all for a brilliant site with a heap of info, which I have been trawling through
From what Ive gathered, we are in a very rapidly changing time, in terms of tablets.
I was thinking of getting a Disgo 6000, a referb one from the bay which is advertised as running 2.2 for £55 Anyone bought one? Any feedback?
I'm not expecting miracles, just Opera browser for forums and something to cut my teeth on. Am I on the right track or is the disgo not good, or am I missing an obvious choice?
I know you guys get heaps of "is this good" threads so I'm sorry
Many thanks