Dismayed by Honeycomb


Jan 11, 2011
I just bought my first Honeycomb tablet...a Lenovo K1. When I first turned it on it wanted me to update the device..5 different updates until it finally said it had the most current build.

I came from a Samsung Galaxy Tab 7" running Gingerbread. I know the Tab is the defacto as to what all other
Android tablets are typically compared against, Now I know why.

Honeycomb is very buggy on my device. A lot of the apps that run smoothly and without a hitch on my Galaxy Tab just don't run or run very well on my K1. MSNBC won't load, it just closes out when I launch it. Zumodrive barely works. Dolphin browser HD just closes the screen on about 50% of the web pages I try to view. I am forced to use Opera which I don't like as much but at least seems to be stable on Honeycomb. And the list goes on.

I wish I could put Gingerbread on this device until they can get Honeycomb MUCH less buggy...or I hope they are at least working on that.

I almost want to send back the K1 but I wanted the faster processor and ther larger form factor.

Anyone else in this same boat?
Not in the same boat but I think what you really want is to get an Ice Cram Sandwich update, not a less buggy Honeycomb ;)
Thanx for the reply.

All I know is I need something..ICS or going back to Gingerbread...very disillusioned with Honeycomb. Don't get me wrong about the K1. Its a beautiful device and I like the hardware a lot. But, I need it to replace my Tab and right now it really can't do that very well by not being able to run the apps the Tab can run. Ugggh. Guess I just have to be patient. I never remember Froyo being this buggy when it first came out...I know they can do better.
Well Honeycomb has been know to have its issues that's for sure. You shouldn't be having massive issues with the latest version though. Specifically what version does it say you have (Settings>About)? There may be another issue that is causing your problems. I would start by trying to clear the cache and reboot.
Honeycomb has a few bugs on my Transformer. The biggest one is lots of lag in the stock Browser so I use Dolphin for Pad (beta) and Opera Moble for my web browsers.

Beyond that, I have not found it to be all that buggy.
Don't know if this will help but I read (and heard in the video review) at Mobletechreview that some of the crapware that comes with the K1 is causing some problems in stability and speed. I have read in several places (wish I could remember where now that I own a K1) that if you uninstall certain ones of the crapware it makes a world of difference on the K1. I have left messages in the Lenovo forum here asking if anyone knows which apps to uninstall but have received no answers yet. Have to say several apps on my K1 worked much better under 3.1 than they do under 3.2 (youtube and a few other video sites).
Been running a custom rom ver 3.2 honeycomb on my galaxy tab. Very smooth and not at all buggier than gingerbread.

Sent from my GT-P7510 using Tapatalk
Hey there!! a new owner of a K1 here!!

Gettring THE SAME issues that you, lot's of app hang, and don't work, i just start the tablet and it send me "face app dosn't work" force close, and all that stuff!!! even angry birds sometimes hang!!!.

I think that the lenovo even i know isn't the best tablet fo the praice i paid it's more than enought, BUT the things lenovo did with those crapy applications are AWFULL!!!

Is there enybody that could find witch app uninnstall???

Is there any chance to install a virigin Honeycomb? because ir read on Engadget that the thing that makes "different" the lenovo are all those tweaks to the honeycomb to make it more userfrindly, but at this point i think they were wors than a good thing.

Anyway. What do you say? someone with a little of light?
iv tried honeycomb on my POV 10.1 tegra 2, and its considerably buggier than 2.2 froyo stock. however im wondering if this is to do with bugs from the rom builder or from honeycomb itself since i dont have an official honeycomb build for my device to test with.
I, too, have had issues with the Dolphin browser closing when it feels like it! I have been in touch with the Dolphin developer and have been asked to forward a copy of the log when the problem occurs. I have, however, shied away from Dolphin (which I really like) and use the new iteration of Firefox that seems to look good and work well.

Sent from my K1 using Android Tablet Forum
I, too, have had issues with the Dolphin browser closing when it feels like it! I have been in touch with the Dolphin developer and have been asked to forward a copy of the log when the problem occurs. I have, however, shied away from Dolphin (which I really like) and use the new iteration of Firefox that seems to look good and work well.

Sent from my K1 using Android Tablet Forum

Did you erase any app, or made the actualization that lenovo says in his manual?, or when you tap on the system information, first option of actualization, did your tablet go to android 3.2 without problem? i had to make the process a couple of times until it worked, and once it work i start with those problems of not working Apps.

Do you know if there is any possibility of going back to factory settings?? o a "reset" button, even if a loose everything.

In my case, had no problem with the original browser.