Do I have a bad Tab?


Oct 19, 2011

I finally made the plunge and purchased a 32gb 10.1 Tab this weekend and think I may have a bad unit. Please let me know if I need to return this unit (or give me suggestions to fix) as I have experienced the following:

* During theinitial startup/setup procedure - after about 20 minutes of it trying to connect to my wifi I cancelled the attempted connection (I finally was able to connect through settings).
* I've had problems trying to download/install apps from the android market -- "waiting to install" is the message I get for minutes before I finally kill the market (sometimes the APP does install).
* I downloaded/installed the Netflix app. Scrolling through the selections is very slow & sluggish. Video playback quality is HORRIBLE with really bad lip-sync on all 5 movies tested. (I have Comcast internet and speedtest app showed I was getting around 12mbs down, 4mbs up; my wife has iPad2 and had no issues with playback/lip-sync on same movies).
* I got the same video/lip-sync results on on multiple movies (again no prob on the iPad).

Please help!!! I wanna like the tab, but I'm not happy with it so far.

Any ideas?

hmm sounds like you have an older version of the OS - likely 3.1 or even 3.0 - most of these have been addressed in version 3.2 - if you are in the US and have the wifi only model, the update can be had over the air - just go to settings, about tablet- software update

as for the the netflix playback and scrolling, in addition to having the latest version OS, make sure you install the latest version of Flash from the market


I finally made the plunge and purchased a 32gb 10.1 Tab this weekend and think I may have a bad unit. Please let me know if I need to return this unit (or give me suggestions to fix) as I have experienced the following:

* During theinitial startup/setup procedure - after about 20 minutes of it trying to connect to my wifi I cancelled the attempted connection (I finally was able to connect through settings).
* I've had problems trying to download/install apps from the android market -- "waiting to install" is the message I get for minutes before I finally kill the market (sometimes the APP does install).
* I downloaded/installed the Netflix app. Scrolling through the selections is very slow & sluggish. Video playback quality is HORRIBLE with really bad lip-sync on all 5 movies tested. (I have Comcast internet and speedtest app showed I was getting around 12mbs down, 4mbs up; my wife has iPad2 and had no issues with playback/lip-sync on same movies).
* I got the same video/lip-sync results on on multiple movies (again no prob on the iPad).

Please help!!! I wanna like the tab, but I'm not happy with it so far.

Any ideas?

Ok, I had already updated to 3.2 and flash was already updated. Any other ideas? Now I am experiencing horrible lag with just typing this message (I finish typing a word before it begins to show up on screen)...

Any other suggestions before this goes back?
Yes that is how netflix is its not your device its the app i have the same problem. With the app download if it says waiting to install hit the back button and download again and another trick i do is when i hit download on a app there will be a arrow in the bottom right corner of your screen click on that then click the pop up and it should take you to the download screen if you dont understand what i mean email me at and i will post a video on how to get past these problems

Sent from my GT-P7510 using Android Tablet Forum
Ok, I had already updated to 3.2 and flash was already updated. Any other ideas? Now I am experiencing horrible lag with just typing this message (I finish typing a word before it begins to show up on screen)...

Any other suggestions before this goes back?

Hmm lag has been fixed with 3.2 so you have other problems it sounds like. Netflix plays great on my tablet. Start reducing widgets and remove live wallpaper if you use these. You might habe to do a factory reset to clear the tab

Sent from my GT-P7510 using Tapatalk
Anima i did a factory reset and it really helped thank you for the advice

Sent from my GT-P7510 using Android Tablet Forum
I installed market 3.4.4 and all my problems were solved.

I also received another it's update last week which also improved the software.
Sent from my GT-P7500 using Android Tablet Forum