Do I Need a New Gmail Account?


Dec 27, 2010
Ordered a gTab from the Woot deal... Since I do not have it yet don't know how to set it up. A basic question which has come to mind is since I have an Android phone (Droid X) and an associated email account, can this email account be used on the gTab also or is a new Gmail account needed?

Additionally if I play with the gTab stock originally can the email used then be used with the cooked rom's... Thanks for indulging my newbie questions...
Anything for a fellow Pittsburgher!!

You can use the same GMail account on as many devices as you want. I have it set up on my NC, gTab and Droid 2.

Your email will also work on Custom ROMS.
Awesome - that will make life a bit easier. Just did not want to create double entries... that is easy enough to do already...
Ok - guess this is why I am confused. When I went to AppBrain logged in with my gmail account it would not allow me to download the the apps to the tablet. Guess I am not understanding something... Thanks!
Ok - guess this is why I am confused. When I went to AppBrain logged in with my gmail account it would not allow me to download the the apps to the tablet. Guess I am not understanding something... Thanks!

Can you be more specific? Maybe a pic of the error? I know that when you try to update some apps through AppBrain you will get an error. But thats normal.
Looking at my post see it could have been clearer. I like to use AppBrain. Obviously having trouble understanding how it works. After logging in with the email and info for my DroidX, my thoughts is that the same apps could be loaded onto the gTab. So the questions becomes, can 1 AppBrain(or market) account be linked to 2 devices. Alternatively each device would require a separate market account.

Not trying to be stupid, just don't want to muck up what is happing on the phone...
You can use the same account on as many devices as you want. You will not mess up your phone or gtab. Not all apps are going to come up in the Market and not all will work. The apps are just starting to be designed for tablet usage but most of them are still designed for phones.
Since there are so many of us in Pittsburgh we must have a get together at a local watering hole... have a couple of craft beers, pull out our gTabs and show off the cooked ROMS installed...
Would if I could but i'm currently in Africa.

Sent from my G-tab using Tapatalk
Ok - so figured out how to create a new list on AppBrain... now trying to download the app... I am using the stock gTab, want to play around with stock for a while. But cannot figure out how to load the initial AppBrain app... hints? Thanks for your help...
Ok - so figured out how to create a new list on AppBrain... now trying to download the app... I am using the stock gTab, want to play around with stock for a while. But cannot figure out how to load the initial AppBrain app... hints? Thanks for your help...

Won't help much as without Market access on the tablet, Appbrain cannot push anything to the device... it just sends market links to the Appbrain "client" that would be running on the tablet.

You either side-load the apps you want or do the needed hacking to get the market working on it.

Sent from my Viewsonic 10" GTab...