Do I need to Root ?


Mar 13, 2012
I got everything like Market etc going as I want it to. But I want to sync my google calendar!

I have read bits and pieces saying try this or do that. Some suggested needing to root.

If that is the case, I need to root my 1125 to get Google sync to work then can someone point me at a solid guide on rooting. I am a little nervous doing this but geeky enough to be adventurous.

In the end I want a working Market, business calendar (Need this to sync from Google), and I would not mind having Google Maps.

From what I read Rooting is super easy, I just want to make sure I got a clear method before doing it.


After Much Scratching around I found everything I needed to know. Consider my issue resolved. I will write a walk through on Rooting, Adding Market, Sync for Calendar and Contacts. Just for those searching. I by no means consider myself an expert but I have a habit of being a knowledge whore.